Shared Power Week logo

Celebrating the power of inclusive governance.

  • Meet change-makers locally and internationally.
  • Learn more about sociocracy, or train others.
  • Experience a world of transformative practices.
My countdown
An abstract illustration of six diverse individuals forming a circle and joining their hands in the center, symbolizing unity, collaboration, and shared power. The image uses a palette of blues and includes some individuals with orange hair.

The Shared Power Week is not a conference, not one event… but a week of events all around the world to foster a shared vision of transformation, collaboration and synergy. Join as an event organiser or a participant and meet other change-makers!

Shared Power Week Events

Events by language

Flyer for the 'Shared Power Week Opening Event.' The event is scheduled for September 12 and will be held online. The flyer features a festive party popper graphic and the logos for 'Shared Power Week' and a blue flower-like symbol. The background is a wavy blue pattern

Opening Event (๐ŸŒ)


English, espaรฑol, portuguรชs, italiano


Join us in the opening session of the Shared Power Week! This is going to be a multilingual event in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and more!ย 

11 September - shared power - Sociocracy For All
Intro to dsociocracy 2 - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Introduction to Sociocracy

Bloomington, Indiana (US)



Join Rhonda Baird in-person for an introduction to sociocracy.

12 September - shared power - Sociocracy For All
Barbara Strauch SPW 1 - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Thursday 12 September, 11:00 โ€“ 12:00 (CEST)

Cities Learn: Sociocracy, democracy as is could be




As a new form of governance, SCM has been successfully introduced into all kinds of organisations worldwide since the 1980s. If there is a common goal and the will to work together, Sociocracy can also be used in politics. The webinar will show four very different examples from European cities where sociocratic principles are applied at the interface between politics and citizens. In all four cities, Sociocracy Centers have been established and serve as places where people can learn the method and get support for the process.

Nora SPW - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Introducciรณn a la Sociocracia




Formaciรณn introductoria para principiantes sin mucho conocimiento al respecto de Sociocracia. Para todo tipo de personas, organizaciones, empresas y cooperativas interesadas en autogestiรณn.

Matjaz Kovse SPW24 - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Konsentspiel-Abend โ€œKeep the Balanceโ€

Persรถnlich: Vienna:



2 hrs

Um die Konsententscheidungsmethode und die offene soziokratische Wahl spielerisch kennenzulernen, hat das Soziokratie Zentrumย Keep the Balance, ein โ€œLernspiel mit SpaรŸ fรผr die ganze Familie, Freunde und im Berufโ€ entwickelt. Es ist ein Kooperationsspiel, das u.a. auch in Schulen fรผr den Unterricht sehr gut geeignet ist, oder als Einstieg fรผr Teams und Mitglieder von Organisationen, die eine Soziokratie-Implementierung planen.

Roberto Sara Thomas - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Introduzione alla sociocrazia


in italiano



Unisciti al webinar introduttivo sulla sociocrazia in cui racconteremo i principi di base di questo sistema organizzativo. Daremo spazio alle domande e potrai conoscere altre persone che la praticano nelle proprie organizzazioni!

Roda de conversa temp - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Roda de Conversa sobre Sociocracia




Abertura da Shared Power Week no Brasil. Os convidados, membros do Sociocracy for All Brasil, irรฃo responder perguntas, gerando um diรกlogo a partir do interesse dos participantes e de pontos relevantes da Sociocracia e do Poder Compartilhado. Todos sรฃo bem vindos! Mediado pelo Projeto Colaborativo

13 September - shared power - Sociocracy For All
Janaina Izabel Nara - shared power - Sociocracy For All

A Brasileira: Relato de experiรชncia de uma organizaรงรฃo autogeridaย 





Este serรก um papo entre as fundadoras da A Brasileira, uma empresa de Souvenirs em Florianรณpolis, Santa Catarina, que se tornou autogerida hรก dois anos e a consultora que tem apoiado essa implementaรงรฃo. Serรก um bate papo descontraรญdo para conhecermos as dores e as delรญcias distribuir poder em uma empresa autogerida.

14 September - shared power - Sociocracy For All
Web 2 1 - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Beginner Sociocracy Workshop

Amherst, Massachusetts



Discover the basics of sociocracy in a hands-on, engaging workshop. Learn consent decision-making, decentralized power, and effective meeting techniques

Web 1 - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Advanced Sociocracy Workshop

Amherst, Massachusetts



Enhance your sociocracy skills with advanced facilitation techniques. Tackle objections, manage emotional situations, and create smooth, productive meetings

16 September - shared power - Sociocracy For All
Chaque voix compte 1 1 - shared power - Sociocracy For All

“Chaque voix compte”: un manuel de sociocratie en franรงais!

En ligne




Nous cรฉlรฉbrerons ensemble la publication de la version franรงaise de “Many Voices One Song”, avec la participation de Ted Rau, l’un des co-auteurs. Cette publication est le fruit d’un travail collectif de traduction rรฉalisรฉ en grande partie bรฉnรฉvolement. Nous partagerons notre expรฉrience de ce projet menรฉ de faรงon sociocratique par SoFra, la communautรฉ francophone de Sociocracy For All, active de part et d’autre de l’Atlantique.

SPW Sofie Hanna 3 - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Introduktion till sociokrati





Introduktion till sociokrati pรฅ svenska med Hanna och sofie frรฅn Sociokrati รคr en metod fรถr sjรคlvorganisering och anvรคnds fรถr att bygga strukturer som รคr transparenta, effektiva och frรคmjar medskapande och medbestรคmmande. Sociokrati kan anvรคndas i grupper, fรถreningar eller organisationer som ett sรคtt att tillsammans kunna ta beslut och gรฅ frรฅn vision till handling och ge bรฅde handlingsutrymme och handlingskraft till de som รคr med.

Eduardo Koetz Sanket SPW 1 - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Autogestรฃo Eficaz: O Poder da Pontuaรงรฃo por Tarefas





Neste meetup com Sanket e Eduardo Koetz, descubra como a pontuaรงรฃo por tarefas pode ser uma poderosa ferramenta para impulsionar a autogestรฃo em equipes e projetos. Explore estratรฉgias prรกticas para medir e gerenciar a produtividade de forma transparente e colaborativa, permitindo que todos assumam maior responsabilidade por seu trabalho. Aprenda como essa abordagem pode transformar a dinรขmica de trabalho, promovendo autonomia e eficiรชncia.

17 September - shared power - Sociocracy For All
Web 1 - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Common Pitfalls in Sociocracy and How to Avoid Them





Does your organization use sociocracy?ย Don’t miss this insightful webinar where we’ll explore three common struggles that often arise in sociocratic organizations and how to address them effectively.

  • What if you’re not on the same page about what you do?
  • Do you use skillful and constructive feedback to keep your organization dynamic and responsive to change?
  • Is your team equipped enough to fully embrace and implement sociocratic principles?

Whether you’re new to sociocracy or have been practicing for years, this webinar will provide valuable insights and practical tips to help your organization thrive.ย Bring your questions!

Ana Rafael SPW - shared power - Sociocracy For All





Relato de experiรชncia: a casa do povo

Rafael Oliveira e Ana Duwe irรฃo nos contar sobre a implementaรงรฃo da Sociocracia na Casa do Povo. A Casa do Povo รฉ um centro cultural que revisita e reinventa as noรงรตes de cultura, comunidade e memรณria. Habitada por uma dezena de grupos, movimentos e coletivos, alguns presentes hรก dรฉcadas e outros mais recentes, a Casa do Povo utiliza a Sociocracia como modelo de governanรงa para estimular e fortalecer a vida comunitรกria.

SPW Giorgio Francesco Martina - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Sociocrazia a scuola


in italiano



Evento introduttivo a tema “Sociocrazia, scuola ed educazione”. Verranno presentate 2 o 3 esperienze relative ad applicazioni di pratiche sociocratiche in contesti scolastici ed educativi, all’esterno ed in Italia. Al termine delle presentazioni, i/le partecipanti potranno porre domande, condividere reazioni e contribuire ad arricchire di contenuti l’incontro.

Beto Ana - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Autogestรฃo nas escolas Waldorf




Entrevista com Beto Dertoni sobre autogestรฃo nas Escola Waldorf.

Intro to dsociocracy 2 - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Sociocracy Fundamentals Workshop

Bloomington, Indiana (US)

In English


3 hours

In this 3-hour workshop; we’ll cover and practice the fundamentals of sociocracy; share resources for further study; and have a lot of fun learning about ourselves, each other, and the potential that sociocracy has for transforming our world.

Nara - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Autonomia com responsabilidade





Muitas organizaรงรตes gostariam que seus colaboradores tivessem mais autonomia e responsabilidade. Porรฉm, na maioria das organizaรงรตes, os gestores centralizam as decisรตes e seus subordinados ficam dependentes e nรฃo conseguem tomar decisรตes sozinhos. Nesta palestra, vou apresentar alguns fatores que levam a esse padrรฃo indesejado e como os artefatos de autogestรฃo podem ajudar as organizaรงรตes a criarem condiรงรตes para que seus colaboradores desenvolvam autonomia com responsabilidade dentro de contornos bem definidos.

18 September - shared power - Sociocracy For All
CNV y Sociocracia - shared power - Sociocracy For All

CNV y Sociocracia





La mirada sobre nuestros condicionamientos es una puerta de entrada hacia el camino de la regeneraciรณn. El reconocimiento de nuestras creencias limitantes habilita un espacio de conexiรณn mรกs profunda. Aprovechar el lenguaje como vรญa de contacto es esencial a todo tipo de colaboraciรณn.

Kare - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Introduktion til Sociokratisk Medledelse





Find ud af hvad det vil sige at vรฆre en medledende organisation hvor alle medarbejdere har specifikt ledelsesansvar, og hvor beslutningsprocesser og mรธder faciliteres efter konkrete metoder designet til at sikre bรฅde inklusion og effektivitet.

Web 1 - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Early experiments for sociocracy





Your organization isn’t ready to embrace sociocracy? You want to introduce elements but don’t know where to start?ย 
This webinar shows what processes you can adopt right away (and which ones takes formal buy-in) so you can experiment and gather experience until the organization – maybe – takes a formal step towards sociocracy.

Sociocracia y Estructuras Liberadoras Jo 2 - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Sociocracia y Estructuras Liberadoras: abrir mente, corazรณn y voluntad





Un webinar gratuito que te introduce en el mundo de la sociocracia, un sistema alternativo de gobernanza horizontal, incluyente y eficiente, en combinaciรณn con las estructuras liberadoras que agregan un toque de diversiรณn y de creatividad a nuestras interacciones. Con la mente, el corazรณn y nuestra voluntad alineados y abiertos potenciamos cambios que nos sorprenderรกn.

Ana Joao Sanket - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Quem decide quem decide?





Lanรงamento do livro ‘Quem decide quem decide?’ que oferece ferramentas e primeiros passos para iniciar um grupo de autogestรฃo onde todos possam ter voz.

Anne Ana SPW 1 - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Sociocracia na educaรงรฃo





Uma roda de conversa sobre a sociocracia dentro da escola Ciranda.

19 September - shared power - Sociocracy For All
Kelvin - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Organisational Design For Co-Leadership Workshop


In English


2 hours

An immersive learning experience on how to collectively design & optimise organisations for advancing both meaningful results and workplace wellbeing.

Ivy Sanket SPW - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Sociocracia em Aรงรฃo: Transformaรงรฃo Organizacional e Pessoal




Junte-se ร  Ivy Frizzo e ร  Sanket para explorar como a sociocracia pode revolucionar tanto as organizaรงรตes quanto o desenvolvimento pessoal. Neste meetup, vocรช aprenderรก como a implementaรงรฃo de princรญpios sociocrรกticos pode promover um ambiente mais colaborativo, inclusivo e eficiente, impulsionando mudanรงas profundas. Descubra como essas prรกticas podem facilitar o crescimento coletivo e individual. Ideal para quem busca transformar sua organizaรงรฃo e crescer pessoalmente!

SPW Maria Rosaria Roberto Spano - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Sociocrazia e Permacultura


in italiano



Un’esplorazione dei valori condivisi e degli strumenti di progettazione sociale per la comprensione reciproca e l’impollinazione incrociata tra le due discipline.ย Incontro tra progetti di permacultura e reti che stanno implementando la sociocrazia in Italia e nel mondo.

ProSocial SPW24 2 - shared power - Sociocracy For All

ProSociocracy: Exploring Polycentric Collaborations between Organizations


In English


1.5 hours

Join us for an enlightening exploration of polycentric collaborations between organizations and the many challenges of group to group collaboration in the social methods space. We will use the challenges of combining Sociocracy and ProSocial methodologies as a particular case study although we will not be limited to these methods. This event brings together thought leaders Ted Rau, Kathleen Walsh, Paul Atkins, and Pip Atkins to discuss innovative approaches to group collaboration and governance.

This panel discussion, facilitated by Dounia Saeme, will explore collaborations between organizations – what are the factors at play? Why is it hard to work together across organizations sustainably?

Cris Sanket Edgar - shared power - Sociocracy For All

Cohousing e Sociocracia: Transformaรงรฃo Organizacional e Pessoal





Edgar Werbloswski, grande divulgador do CO Housing no Brasil, tradutor do livro Quem Decide Quem Decide, vai falar sobre os motivos que levaram ele a enxergar na sociocracia uma forma humana e compartilhada de organizar pessoas em uma comunidade buscando a harmonia e senso de pertencimento.

20 September - shared power - Sociocracy For All
Promotional image featuring Thomas Kemps, a SoFA Certified Trainer. The image includes a photograph of Thomas Kemps inside a circular frame. Below his name, the text reads 'SoFA Certified Trainer.' The background is a wavy blue pattern, and the bottom of the image features the logos for 'Shared Power Week,' 'eco sist emica,' and a blue flower-like symbol. The tagline 'A Sociocracy Learning Festival' is also included

Corso di Sociocrazia: Organizzarsi con Equitร  e Efficacia

In presenza vicino Roma

in italiano

da โ‚ฌ242

Unisciti ad un fine settimana di formazione in sociocrazia dal 20 al 22 settembre in un luogo immerso nel verde della Sabina (ad un’ora da Roma).

Flyer for the 'Shared Power Week Closing Event.' The event is scheduled for September 20 and will be held online. The flyer features a graphic with pink heart icons and the logos for 'Shared Power Week' and a blue flower-like symbol. The background is a wavy blue pattern.

Closing celebration (๐ŸŒ)


English, espaรฑol, portuguรชs, italiano


Join us in the closing session of the Shared Power Week! This is going to be a multilingual event in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and more!ย 
