Egg or hen – Sociocracy: an organizational approach or a manifestation of a mindset? (Armin Sieber)


Bio: Throughout his different roles as teacher, coach, OD consultant, … facilitating individual as well as collective growth is his great passion. Together with a team of highly committed teachers at Integrale Tagesschule Winterthur, he embarked on the journey to explore what a future-oriented Sociocratic organisation might look like.

Description: Encouraged by positive experiences with various new forms to organize a school, we finally decided on Sociocracy 3.0. The organic adaptability of S3.0 provided a framework to incorporate useful elements from other approaches and, at the same time, to meet the need for orientation and “simplexity” in our VUCA world. So for us, it was egg first, maybe? Insights and questions based on our multi-year trip.

Additional resources: Slide deck


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