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Why Sociocracy For All (SoFA)?
Learn and evolve
We offer the whole spectrum of training, coaching and consulting: training on all levels, immersion programs, peer learning and a one-year advanced program.
Social change mission
We think that sociocracy is one of the tools that will make our world more beautiful. That’s why we’re committed to spreading it all over the world. Read Sociocracy For All’s social justice statement.
Membership organization
We are a nonprofit membership organization with more than 200 members worldwide with several language groups and circles on topics like cooperatives, communities, permaculture etc.
Real people, peer approach
We hold pride in being approachable, genuine and willing to give it all we have. We are also non-competitive and value-oriented.
Sociocracy For All Mission and Aims
A world in which people engage together to meet their individual and collective needs in an equitable way, with respect for all living beings.
To promote sociocracy locally and globally as a sustainable way of governance. We do this by generating communities of practice and innovating by making decisions together, sharing what we learn, and inspiring each other through accessible and transferable materials, training, and resources.
- Spreading sociocracy with accessible, educational and inspirational materials about sociocracy (articles, videos, webinars, social media) (primarily CC BY-SA-NC license) and through training and consulting. (Content Circles)
- Networking and supporting the sociocracy world, including SoFA members, sociocratic practitioners and promoters, and regional and language-oriented groups. (Ecosystem and International Circles)
- Providing SoFA infrastructure and administrative systems so that there is ease in running the organization. (Membership Circles)
SoFA Circle structure
Sociocracy For All’s Impact Report
Read what we’re most proud of from the year 2021/2022
And here you can find the impact report from the year 2020-2021.
Partnerships of Sociocracy for All
The Cohousing Association of the United States is a national nonprofit supporting cohousing communities in changing our world. Spreading the word about cohousing shifts the culture toward a new American dream where every home is surrounded by caring, collaborative neighbors who use less of the earth’s resources while living an abundant life.
Systems Change Alliance connects the dots between individuals, groups and organizations working in different fields to collaborate, educate, advocate and implement positive systemic change. We act in three core areas: environment, society and economy, and aim to advocate political, ecological and economic reforms, by organizing movements, workshops and conferences; publishing articles and newsletters; conducting research and developing policy proposals
The mission of the Foundation for Intentional Community is to support and promote the development of intentional communities as pathways towards a more cooperative, sustainable and just world, to make intentional community accessible to all those who seek it and to serve intentional communities and spread their solutions.
NextGEN is a youth initiative born out of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN). There are NextGEN groups in all 5 regions of GEN – including Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Europe.
By hosting educational events and reaching out to student groups, our Sustainability Educators share their extensive knowledge in all aspects of communal regenerative living.
NextGEN is a youth initiative born out of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN). There are NextGEN groups in all 5 regions of GEN – including Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Europe.
By hosting educational events and reaching out to student groups, our Sustainability Educators share their extensive knowledge in all aspects of communal regenerative living.
Thriving Resilient Communities Collaboratory is a U.S.-based network of regional and national leaders who use systemic and collaborative approaches to help communities become more thriving and resilient.
The Youth Power Coalition consists of youth leaders and adult allies building a movement for youth-led collective impact.
Governance Alive offers training and consulting in the area of sociocracy too!
Prosocial World (PW) is a non-profit organization that seeks to evolve a more prosocial world. Inspired by scientists, we take the word “evolve” seriously, basing our methods on the most recent developments in evolutionary, complex systems, and contextual behavioral science to enhance cooperation and inspire positive change for the well-being of others. Prosocial World is built upon its own Core Design Principles, fostering polycentric governance.
Wondering School is a project that investigates and supports the practice of a liberating education. Wondering School produced the documentary about sociocracy schools in the Netherlands, School Circles.
Cohousing Options Canada is a 360º non-profit cohousing consultancy that assembles all the different ingredients needed to build happy, healthy, and sustainable cohousing communities.
The SoZeDe contributes to a healthy transformation in organizations and society as a whole, by unfolding the potential of sociocracy as an alternative and proven dynamic organizational and governance model and putting it into a diverse application.
r3.0 is a not-for-profit that advocates for Redesign for Resilience & Regeneration.
The Sociocracy Consulting Group helps organizations thrive.
Vision – A world where people work purposefully together bringing forth collective intelligence, creativity, and wisdom.
Mission – We help organizations build resilience and adaptability, using a whole-systems approach to collaborative decision-making, project management, and organizational governance.
Aims – We provide training, consulting, facilitation, mentoring, and coaching to help organizations become more effective and collaborative.

Weaving old and new eyes wisdom to co-create a future that works for all beings. The co-creators of 7th Generation Labs play diverse roles in the world. We include community weavers, social artists, organizational and leadership development consultants, systems thinkers, educators, strategists, ethicists, technologists, visionaries, grassroots activists, facilitators, personal coaches, leaders, followers and learners.
The Sociocracy Movement
Sociocracy has been driven by a vision of social change from the beginning, a thread that continues in the present. Since Gerard Endenburg, sociocracy has been merging ideas from the Quakers (everyone’s voice matters), engineering (feedback loops and continuous improvement) as well as natural systems (nesting of semi-autonomous systems). Since the early days, sociocracy has grown, has been blended with other methods, and yet, the core is still the same: a non-coersive system that is based on trust and empowerment as well as equality.
SoFA is well-connected with other players in the field, from some regional centers, related branches, as well as holacracy and other teal practitioners and trainers. We are striving to contribute to a pluralist, cooperative learning community that embodies the values of sociocracy: helping each other, appreciating differences and finding the both-and in a non-competitive way. (For more information on the movement, read Sociocracy: The movement.)
Sociocracy For All History
- 2016: Sociocracy For All’s founders made videos and led four cycles of the Sociocracy Leadership Training (SoLT) program.
- 2017: the founders wrote a book (Many Voices One Song), started the Empowered Learning Circles (study groups), led three more cycles of SoLT, and redesigned SoFA as a member organization with multiple circles (teams) of volunteers.
- 2018: we strengthened and expanded our circle organization and launched an advanced training program, the Sociocracy Academy.
- 2019: we strengthen the SoFA infrastructure and ease replicability (making our resources easier to copy, use, and adapt, and in multiple languages and multiple sectors.
- 2020: more building of much-needed infrastructure. Hired more people. Made it through the ups the downs due to covid!
- 2021: Published Who Decides Who Decides and Let’s decide together; launching more Communities of Practice