The Eden Community consists of five families, totaling 10 adults and quite a few children, and is actively pursuing connection with others who fit with their values, mission, and way of life using sociocracy.

Read the full case study if you’re interested in learning:
- How sociocracy meshes with Christian philosophy and practice
- How an intentional community functions well with sociocracy
- Doing things more efficiently using sociocracy
People can get out of balance on governance by thinking it doesn’t matter what system you use (God will help you make it work) or by thinking that if you get the right system it will never fail to work. In any system, you are always dealing with the messiness of people, a basic Christian tenet. But having a system that already works in all the created order, including social systems, should lead more generally to success. By that is meant that all governance is orientation toward an aim and disorientation when enacting a plan to achieve that aim, but then re-orientation when you measure and find success in achieving your aim. You can’t steer without an aim, and you need a plan to achieve that aim, then you need to measure to see if you achieved your aim. You are often off-course so you make corrections and get closer to achieving your aim. Plan, Act, Measure! That is the normal way of things.
One of the co-founders explains their thinking on governance.
This case study was written by Randall Johnson for the Sociocracy Leadership Training. Thank you Randall!