Sociocracy in Extinction Rebellion New York City

Presentation by Jesse Marshall

Description: Extinction Rebellion (XR) used a hybrid of Holacracy and sociocracy to become the fastest growing environmental movement in the world in 2019. Jesse is one of four SoFA members serving on the governance circle of XR New York City, the largest chapter in the US. In this session, he’ll reflect on their experience, including mass sociocracy trainings, circle restructuring, and the challenges of maintaining coherence in an all-volunteer organization intent on exponential growth.[echo-content-down-arrow id=”temp-id” class=”temp-class” size=”50″ type=”epda-icon-arrow-soft” animation_type=”bounce-effect-1″ color=”1776C0″ duration_time=”20000″ bouncing_speed=”3000″ move_to=”” scrolling=”true” disable_bouncing=”false” disable_duration=”false” ]
