Adaptive Organisations: How to turn the two fragilities of sociocracy and Holacracy into antifragilities

Presentation by Graham Boyd


Both sociocracy and Holacracy are superb at harnessing tensions to drive change at the task and role level in an organisation.
Fragility 1: if you incorporate with governance only with one or two of the stakeholder groups, you build in a fragile power-over dynamic, incapable of harnessing the value in the tensions between any and all the stakeholder groups.
Fragility 2: without effective dialogue scaffolding to harness human tensions between and within each, human tensions and task/role tensions get conflated; but cannot be addressed at the task/role level.[echo-content-down-arrow id=”temp-id” class=”temp-class” size=”50″ type=”epda-icon-arrow-soft” animation_type=”bounce-effect-1″ color=”1776C0″ duration_time=”20000″ bouncing_speed=”3000″ move_to=”” scrolling=”true” disable_bouncing=”false” disable_duration=”false” ]
