Many years ago I heard that the most important is the philosophy of life, that is, what and how we think. Since then I have been concerned with forming my own philosophy of life to help me achieve the results I desire. Gradually, I moved from the idea of โโ”personal development” to that of “personal optimization”. Gradually, I was able to summarize my life philosophy in three words: clarity, simplicity and results. I found sociocracy by looking for a way to form a community where people get along well, starting from working together and continuing to make decisions together. My policy is people’s prosperity. For this, I set out to study, practice and spread the principles of sociocracy among all people, and I am aware that for this I need the support of each of you. Together we can build a better world and enjoy all the gifts life has to offer. We have no time to waste, so let’s act!
Cu mulศi ani รฎn urmฤ am auzit cฤ cea mai importantฤ este filozofia de viaศฤ, adicฤ ce ศi cum gรขndim. De atunci am fost preocupat sฤ รฎmi formez propria filozofie de viaศฤ care sฤ mฤ ajute sฤ obศin rezultatele pe care mi le doresc. Treptat am trecut de la ideea de “dezvoltare personalฤ” la cea de “optimizare personalฤ”. Treptat, am reuศit sฤ rezum filozofia mea de viaศฤ la trei cuvinte: claritate, simplitate ศi rezultate. Am gฤsit sociocraศia cฤutรขnd o modalitate de a forma o comunitate รฎn care oamenii sฤ se รฎnศeleagฤ bine, รฎncepรขnd de la a lucra รฎmpreunฤ ศi continuรขnd cu a lua decizii รฎmpreunฤ. Politica mea este prosperitatea oamenilor. Pentru asta mi-am propus sฤ studiez, sฤ practic ศi sฤ rฤspรขndesc principiile sociocraศiei printre toศi oamenii ศi sunt conศtient cฤ pentru asta am nevoie de susศinerea fiecฤruia dintre voi. รmpreunฤ putem sฤ construim o lume mai bunฤ ศi sฤ ne bucurฤm de toate darurile pe care viaศa ni le pune la dispoziศie. Nu avem timp de pierdut, aศa cฤ hai sฤ acศionฤm!
Location: Bucharest, Romania
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