Non-Violent Communication Empowered Learning Circle (Group Leader)


This signup is for Group Leaders only. If you are a group member please use the group member signup. Nonviolent Communication is “the language of life”. Learning about NVC is like opening the door and finding beauty beyond the binaries of “good” or “bad”. NVC will open your mind to your own inner world and…

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Who is this curriculum for?

  • Beginners of Nonviolent Communication – or people who’d like a refresher.
  • This curriculum is ideal for communities, activists, workplaces, cooperatives, associations.
  • No worries! Each group and each individual can choose the level of vulnerability they are comfortable with.

How it Works

How to get started

  • Find a group of 2-8 people
  • Register and get access to the materials
  • Meet with your group and learn together – at the same time and in the same room (real room or virtual room lik zoom)
  • Each session combines watching videos and doing exercises together
  • Our curriculum contains:
    • 3 sessions of ~2 hours each, done as a group
    • ca. 90 min of video content and 90 min of group exercise


Optional: Coaching between sessions

  • We recommend coaching ($180) alongside with this training. We will connect you to a coach – a certified NVC trainer.