The Full Circle Problem

Jerry Koch-Gonzalez | 16:00 UTC

Who makes the highest decisions in the community? Everyone together? Or who? While regular decisions in a sociocratic community are made in circles, it can be unclear how to go about the major, legal or highly contentious issues, This is a hot-button issue, and the answer to this question has a huge impact on the longevity and resiliency of the community.
The players on this level are: the plenary (Full Circle), the General Circle (leaders and delegates of main circles) and the board or Vision/Mission Circle.
In this talk, I will show the most common options that communities choose, with their advantages and disadvantages of each way to solve the puzzle.


jerry koch gonzalez - Intentional Communities - Sociocracy For All
Jerry Koch-Gonzalez

I am a founding resident of Cherry Hill Cohousing. We moved in in 1994 and adopted sociocracy in 2013. I co-founded Sociocracy For All with Ted Rau in 2016 and co-wrote Many Voices One Song with Ted the following year. I have my sociocracy consultant certification with the SoFA/International Sociocracy Certification Board and my Nonviolent Communication (NVC) trainer certification with the Center for Nonviolent Communication ( My aim is to support the spread of effective egalitarian organizations and decision-making.

The Sociocracy in Intentional Communities Conference 2023 is organized sociocratically by SoFA’s Intentional Communities Circle

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