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Inclusive meetings. Better meetings with clarity and flow

Basic classes meetings

13/05/2024 @ 10:00 12:00 EDT

Basic sociocracy tools

About this training

Meetings are the precious moment when a team comes together. How can we spend this time more meaningfully?

The sociocratic meeting format is one of the gems sociocracy offers. It’s inclusive, connecting, and human-centered while providing focus on the work. Learn in this two-hour session how meetings can be improved instantly and how to build a meeting culture over time that fits your culture and gives you the meetings you want.


Getting Started. (Never been to a workshop, watched/read a few things.)

Unsure of what your level is? Try our Sociocracy Level Quiz. This event is geared towards people with an assessment score of <14 but open to anyone.


What is a meeting format that gives everyone a voice and still doesn’t end up in talking and talking … and talking?

  • Meeting format – step-by-step into shared power
  • Rounds. Thinking and sensing together as a group
  • How to plan and facilitate to stay on track
  • How to divide up complex decisions into doable chunks

All classes include presentation, practice, and time for questions.


0:00-0:10Overview and welcome
0:10-0:40Meeting format and backlogs
0:40-1:00Rounds; facilitating rounds
1:00-1:20Building blocks of group process: understand-explore-decide
1:20-1:45Staying on track
1:45-2:00Feedback and next steps


Our sociocracy basic methods classes are taught by certified sociocracy trainers.

Jerry Koch-Gonzalez

Jerry Koch-Gonzalez

Jerry has been committed to nonviolent social change all his adult life. He started his career with anti-oppression (especially classism), then became a certified trainer of Nonviolent Communication/NVC, facilitation, consensus. In the last 10 years, he has focused on his work in sociocracy. Jerry used to be part of The Sociocracy Consulting Group, and he is co-founder of Sociocracy For All where he now works full time. Jerry was born in Cuba and immigrated to the USA as a child. He has lived in community all of his life, since 1994 in Pioneer Valley Cohousing. Jerry is the co-author of the sociocracy reference manual Many Voices One Song.

Duration and time zone

This event is one 2-hour session on May 13. The starting time in local time zones is:


You can request a 30% group discount for groups of 3+ people. Email events@sociocracyforall.org.
Affordability is important to us. Please email events@sociocracyforall.org if the ticket price keeps you from attending and describe your need briefly.

$85 2 hour live webinar


View Venue Website

See also
