May your power be with you
Balancing sociocracy – the value triangle
At Common Ground, we notice that when introducing sociocracy other topics are popping up: Alignment, engagement, trust for example. So we started to do a bit of research and found out that the concept of the value triangle helps us to better understand the inevitable side effects of a sociocracy implementation.
By doing so, we notice that this triangle is very much at the core of every organization. The value triangle consists of purpose, culture, and structure and combines well with the holistic organization model that lies at the heart of sociocracy, and with the tools and techniques focused merely on the structural part.
In this topic session, we would like to show the shifts in the value triangle from a classic to a reinvented organization and present methods that give you practical tools to build up from all corners of the triangle, depending on the organization’s needs. The goal is to share our experience and tools for designing sociocratic introduction in an even more holistic way.

Kim Jana Degen:
As a facilitator, I place particular value on a trusting atmosphere in which the participants are comfortable and their potential can unfold naturally. I like to get to the bottom of things with all my senses. In addition to creative-cognitive methods, I rely on intuitive approaches and the intelligence of the body.
As a companion I explore with people their inner worlds and together with them find expression for what is alive. With passion I support people in finding their personal calling.

Jeannine Brutschin:
As a facilitator, I can live out my passion for accompanying co-creative processes. With great sensitivity, I sense what a group needs to overcome obstacles and become creative together. It is important to me to address and involve people as holistic beings.
Methodologically, I have a broad spectrum to draw on, from many years of open space large group experience, to sociocratic conversation facilitation, to team building in nature, systemic constellation work and meditation.
As a certified sociocracy consultant, I accompany organizations in building structures that enable collaboration at eye level. The tier-based approach of Common Ground creates safe spaces for people’s concerns and experiences in this process of change.

Oliver Müller:
I am Oli. “Practise what you preach” is my motto. My focus is on creating meaning at work. My projects and engagements focus on depth and reflection.
I studied Journalism, have a Master in Marketing Management, am a Scrum Master as well as an adult educator SVEB and have immersed myself in methods like Theory U, Radical Collaboration and Sociocracy. My main interest is the change in attitude regarding purpose, self-organization and wholeness and the use of digital technologies for New Work.