Bring Money to the Fair: Reflections from the Budgeting Trenches

purpose, power, and pay

Bring Money to the Fair: Reflections from the Budgeting Trenches

Bring Money to the Fair Reflections from the Budgeting Trenches - - Sociocracy For All


The way we do budgeting typically hinders innovation, adaptiveness, and agility. The problem is that budgets are often fixed way in advance, donโ€™t leave any flexibility, and invite game playing by line managers. To be agile (and profitable) it is important to keep experimenting, for example, to ask if trust is cheaper than control, or if it is a good idea for everyone to know each otherโ€™s salaries? In this session, Jutta and John will present key learnings from real cases that you can use in your own organization. The underlying theme is you can also probe how you do budgets and manage money. (Whoever thought of budgeters as being leaders in business experimentation?)


John Buck Jutta Eckstein - - Sociocracy For All

John is a Certified Sociocracy Consultant, Author (We the People, Consenting to a Deeper Democracy; Company-wide Agility with BOSSA nova (co-authored with Jutta); and now on Governance From Below: Can Children Lead the Way?). Director of Governance Alive with experience in helping a wide range of organizations work more effectively together.

Jutta works as a coach & consultant. She has founded the โ€œAgile Sustainability Initiativeโ€ and co-created a sustainability assessment. Both focus on the environmental, social, and economic impact of agile teams. She has published her experience in various books, most recently with John Buck: Company-wide Agility with Beyond Budgeting, Open Space & Sociocracy.
