Curious what sociocracy looks like in real organizations? What are the struggles, the changes, the benefits? Read these case studies and get a glimpse into the reality of sociocracy.
These case studies are typically written by our students in the Sociocracy Leadership Training.
Enkindle Village School
Enkindle Village School is the first independent democratic school in North Queensland, Australia. Egalitarian in nature, the school is founded on democratic principles, with the belief that everyone affected by a decision should have a voice in that decision.
Case study of Treehouse Ecohousing
Treehouse Village Ecohousing is a project to build a cohousing community, the first in Atlantic Canada. It officially launched on Sept 29, 2018 with a first public meeting.
Solawi Bodensee is a German association with around 90 members. Solawi is an acronym for “Solidarische Landwirtschaft” which is translated as “solidary agriculture” and meaning “sharing the harvest”. It is similar to the US-concept of CSA, Community Supported Agriculture.
Pittsfield Listens!
Pittsfield Listens Pittsfield Listens is an organization in Pittsfield, New Hampshire, that works to build community, inform on civic issues, solve problems through community conversations, and to award individuals, groups and […]
Arbolife was founded by Morli and Marc Mathys because they wanted to take a road to better care about themselves and the planet.
Peer-to-Peer Governance in a for-profit organization
Design company. The new processes were introduced gradually.
Rocky Corner cohousing
Rocky Corner is a cohousing community being built in Bethany, Connecticut in the USA.
Another School is Possible Association: an educational non-profit sociocracy case study
A movement striving for a childcentered, playfocused, nonprofit primary education.
Are you in a sociocratic organization and willing to be featured in a case study?