Presentation by Paul Atkins and Ted Rau. Prosocial is a first change method based on evolutionary science to enhance cooperation and collaboration for groups of all types and sizes that’s effective at a global scale. It It dovetails beautifully with sociocracy – in this talk, Paul and Ted will show how the two frameworks enhance…
Diego Cuadra. Estamos viviendo tiempos extraordinarios, tiempos de grandes cambios. Muchas tradiciones y pueblos, Hindúes, Incas, Mayas, Mapuches, muchos pueblos nativos americanos, Judíos y también está escrito en la Biblia, han hablado durante siglos del término de un gran ciclo y el inicio de otro de mayor armonía y paz. Hoy en tiempos de Cornonavirus…
Henny Freitas. El Mandato Colectivo Permacultural del Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brasil, nació con transparencia, equivalencia, eficiencia y una estructura dinámica capaz de buscar la unidad dentro de la diversidad. Como un movimiento que procura mantener viva la cultura de las personas a través del cuidado de la Tierra, el cuidado mutuo y el intercambio…
By Francine Proulx-Kenzle. Think of psychological safety as creating a safe space, a safe bubble, where a team member feels confident that no one on the team will embarrass or punish anyone else for admitting a mistake, asking a question or offering a new idea. Psychological safety helps individuals feel safe enough to broaden their…
A presentation by MIke Haber. The presentation describes different ways that NGOs and non-profits have used sociocracy in their corporate governance structures. Based largely on Prof. Haber’s experience in representing U.S. activist organizations, he discusses different non-profit governance structures that embrace sociocracy within the context of the legal limitations on non-profits and NGOs.
Presentation by Graham Boyd. Both sociocracy and Holacracy are superb at harnessing tensions to drive change at the task and role level in an organisation. Fragility 1: if you incorporate with governance only with one or two of the stakeholder groups, you build in a fragile power-over dynamic, incapable of harnessing the value in the…
A presentation by Nara Pais and Tanya Stergiou. At Sociocracia Brasil, we soon found out that implementing Sociocracy entails a cultural change and a special attention to people and relations within the organization. Thus, for the past 4 years or so, we have been developing what we call Relational Mode, side-by-side to Governance and Operational…
A presentation by Karen Gimnig. Sociocracy has lots of tools for supporting good communication and most the time this keeps folks steady and participating well, but not always. We humans are driven more by feelings than anything else and occasionally there are meetings when those feelings show up in ways that threaten the psychological safety…
Presentation by Zujeil Flores. What allows an organization to be resilient? In this presentation, Zujeil looks at how Sociocratic organizations from different sectors and countries have responded and adapted to the current crisis and what we might want to pay attention to in our organizations to strengthen their resilience and prepare for future uncertainties!
Presentation by Gina Price and Kevin Hartley. Earth Funerals is a brand, a trading model and a blueprint for sustainable practice in the end-of-life sector. The ambitious mission of establishing a national network of natural burial grounds across Australia called for a governance and planning system capable of meeting the demands of a complex, dynamic…