If you are wondering how it could be possible for humanity to align its consciousness towards mutual understanding and fear-free development • If you are wondering why the combination of sociocracy’s clear rules and its great potential for empowerment enables the emergence of these processes • If you are interested in some practical examples of…
Present in 29 European countries Volt is a pan-European party with the same pro-Europe, pragmatic and progressive platform across the Union. Volt-CH, the Swiss chapter was established in October 2019. Since January 2021 Volt-CH is testing a sociocratic internal organization. We will present the motivations to test sociocracy, the main elements of the organization and…
Sociocracy is easily picked up by children with practice. This presentation will focus on steps to take to practice sociocracy with children in small groups, from finding a children’s domain to practicing consent decision making together.
After experimenting sociocratic meetings within our team for two years we had to merge our team of roughly 60 people with another one of the same size. This was the opportunity for us to dive more into sociocracy and reorganize our department properly. It was not an easy task for us. So we decided to…
All the activities of modern art galleries in the southwest of Poland concern the interface between contemporary visual practice and new social, political, and spiritual ideas. Sociocracy seemed to be the obvious choice for the new director. At the same time, BWA is deeply rooted in the bureaucratic world of the public institution.
Mehmet Kuzu provides consultancy to different types of organizations in the field of sustainable local development as a Statistician with Political Science knowledge. He works as a Business Development and Entrepreneurship Specialist at Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Since 2009, he has been working as a trainer in projects within the…
Tiny House Community Bristol, UK, are a group of volunteers dedicated to tackling Bristol’s housing, climate and ecological crises through creating community-led Tiny House settlements that regenerate nature and community. This talk will cover how we have found sociocracy to be a great fit for our organisational mission, the lessons learned implementing sociocracy and the…
In 2014 my business hit a wall and we needed to reinvent how we worked. I fell in love with Holacracy, but ran into a brick wall when I tried to get buy-in from my leadership team. I stepped back, picked a baby step, and tried a consent process. Something shifted. For the next four…
Encouraged by positive experiences with various new forms to organize a school, we finally decided on Sociocracy 3.0. The organic adaptability of S3.0 provided a framework to incorporate useful elements from other approaches and, at the same time, to meet the need for orientation and “simplexity” in our VUCA world. So for us, it was…
As a project of Sociocracy Center Austria we developed, with supported from Indian Children’s Parliaments, this board-game for easy learning of consent-decision and open election with fun and joy. In the German version, we produce and sell it latest at the end of 2021. The English will be printed half a year later. In the…