Join SoFA’s Organizational Membership Administrator, Shala Massey, for an overview of Sociocracy for All’s Organizational Membership program. Recording is not available. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Join Jerry Koch-Gonzalez and members of Advocates Community of Practice for an open Q&A session. The Advocates for Sociocracy in Community is a Sociocracy for All Community of Practice that […]
Join Keala Young (Global Ecovillage Network), Neil Planchon (Foundation for Intentional Community), and Alan O’Hashi (Cohousing Association of America) to learn more about how these organizations support, educate, and connect […]
Presenter Bio Kathleen Livingston, spent most of her career in middle management in the not-for-profit sector. Having certified as a Master Gardener, upon retirement she started a horticultural/garden maintenance, […]
Descrição: A roupagem jurídica das comunidades e suas consequências. Abertura de um espaço de conversa para relato de membros de comunidades sobre a questão da formalização e organização jurídica das […]
Presenter Bio Leon de Vreede is one of the founders of Treehouse Village Ecohousing. Together with his wife Cate and son Dylan, this “burning soul” undertook the initial work […]
Description What to do when objections to proposals arise from inside the Circle or from community members outside the Circle? We will explore a variety of strategies to keep […]
Presenter Bios Gina Simm is a recently retired first grade teacher living in the Pioneer Valley Cohousing Community in Amherst, Massachusetts. She is the leader of a circle called […]
After having experienced several coliving projects (as an employee and resident), I realize that dynamic governance is a key piece for the model to work.
So you’ve rolled out Sociocracy in your community. Whether it was years ago or just last month, you probably participated in some sort of training as a group and had opportunities to practice and develop your skills together. Now a new member household joins your community? What do you do for them?