Intentional communities value inclusivity, but sociocratic practices can be a barrier to those with less education, different first languages, and other backgrounds. This workshop will be an interactive discussion on ways sociocracy can be used with all types of people in the service of community.
Presenter Bio Jerry Koch-Gonzalez is a co-founder of Sociocracy For All and a founding resident of the 27-year old Pioneer Valley Cohousing Community. Description In this session, we will […]
What does it mean to move together at the speed of trust? Can a team of settlers and indigenous consultants, along with their client communities use sociocracy to become a leading non-profit resources group with the capacity to co-create resilient housing, energy, training and planning solutions that address the climate and social justice challenges of…
The size of Treehouse Village Ecohousing’s Full Circle has tripled since it was formed. During its development, this cohousing community has transitioned from all members participating in most major decisions, to a Full Circle which is largely a forum for social community-building, learning and fun. Hear what we do when we meet as a whole…
Presenter Bio Ted Rau is a sociocracy trainer and consulting. He has worked with dozens of cohousing communities in all stages and he has lived in Pioneer Valley Cohousing […]
patterns of how a proposal can flow between the small work circle and the plenary (or all-member meeting). The patterns are useful to let many voices flow into a proposal while still keeping circles focused on moving their work forward.
After two failed attempts, the de Vreede’s knew it was going to take a different approach to beat the odds and form the cohousing community of their dreams. In this presentation, Cate will share the piece of advice that made the difference in setting up their 3rd launch for success. She’ll also share why she…
Cohabitat Québec bought land in 2010 and moved in in 2013. Since the beginning, we have been using the Sociocratic Circle-organization Method (SCM) with 6 functional circles, a general circle and a mission circle (legal board). With years of experience and a lengthy reflection, we decided to bring the board into the general circle. We…
Transparency is a foundational value of the Sociocratic Circle-organization Method (SCM). Power is an unavoidable element of human relatings. Intentional community is consistently a crucible for issues of transparency and power. We will explore concepts and aspects of power in human interactions and how they relate with our experiences in community and elsewhere. We will…
Presenter Bio Diana Leafe Christian teaches sociocracy to intentional communities and member-led groups. Author of Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities, she speaks […]