Presentation by Bolette Nyrop. Description: The dance between Sociocracy and the Art of Hosting: Where do they strengthen each other? How do they complement each other? Where are they at odds?
Presentation by Cate de Vreede. The case of Treehouse Village Ecohousing. Treehouse Village’s first decision may have been its best: choosing to use sociocracy. Hear how members of this developing cohousing community are using sociocracy to design their physical and social community.
Henny Freitas. El Mandato Colectivo Permacultural del Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brasil, nació con transparencia, equivalencia, eficiencia y una estructura dinámica capaz de buscar la unidad dentro de la diversidad. Como un movimiento que procura mantener viva la cultura de las personas a través del cuidado de la Tierra, el cuidado mutuo y el intercambio…
Sociocracy was developed with small groups in mind. When and how can we apply it to large groups?
Are sociocratic organizations more responsive than top-down hierarchies? Read a case study of two sociocratic organizations – a community and an NGO workplace – and their responses to the covid crisis.
In this webinar, Jerry Koch-Gonzalez is walking the audience through a sample governance agreement (aka “constitution”) that is needed to safely implement sociocracy in an organization.
Treehouse Village Ecohousing is a project to build a cohousing community, the first in Atlantic Canada. It officially launched on Sept 29, 2018 with a first public meeting.
The practical sociocracy handbook written by the co-founders of Sociocracy For All. 300 pages full of real-life support!