A presentation and interview with Gregory Rouillard on his take on sociocracy.
Why use Dynamic Governance in intentional communities? First-hand reports about the advantages.
Narara Ecovillage is a sustainable community based near Sydney, Australia which is managed by the Narara Ecovillage cooperative.
Aldeafeliz is an ecovillage, an association of people with the same vision. We have been using sociocracy since 2014 and we love it, so we also have a group of study and teach it
Rocky Corner is a cohousing community being built in Bethany, Connecticut in the USA.
Casa Latina is the Latin American part of the Global Ecovillage Network, an association of ecovillages
IBC’s purpose is to raise awareness and increase sustainability in bioregional communities.
A sociocratic community in Massachusetts that switched over after almost 20 years of consensus.
An urban sociocratic cohousing community in Quebec, Canada, that values non-violent communication.