Presentation and conversation with Gregg Kendrick, a consultant working with non-violent communication and sociocracy in workplaces.
Do we have to endure “disruptive” team members if we want to be inclusive? What crosses the line, and what helps us?
A presentation and interview with Gregory Rouillard on his take on sociocracy.
Jefferson house in Charlottesville, Virginia, it is a small boutique facility built around an historic home with a warm, family environment.
ITW is a non-profit private school and the main ingredients of the operating culture are Solution Focused Approach, Nonviolent Communication and Spiral Dynamics integral extended by elements of Teal practices.
The Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education (PULSE) is a community of faculty leaders in the life sciences from higher education institutions.
GRLPI is dedicated to promoting permaculture professional education, practice, and mutual aid through the states of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
Imago Relationships Worldwide is a network of Imago Relationships professionals and supporters in 17 countries, with the founders and majority of members in North America.