Codento is a change agent’s right hand helping with software development, IT Architectures and Agile Methodologies.
We are a digital design company (for-profit) based in Switzerland. Our overall purpose is simple: we want to create products which matter.
MEDIAGENIX has chosen to implement their version of sociocracy (more precise S3) based principles and patterns.
Our mission is to make financing understandable and accessible for everyone. We make products comparable and the process comprehensibly, so that customer can make the right decision: anytime and with trust and confidence.
Imago Relationships Worldwide is a network of Imago Relationships professionals and supporters in 17 countries, with the founders and majority of members in North America.
IT department of 45 people, embedded in a typical hierarchical IT organization of 190 employees, delivering IT-services and software development to the Universities 6000 employees and 12000 students.
What’s special about Jerry Koch-Gonzalez’s meetings is that they are sociocratic. How often have you been part of a call where one person in the group hardly had any chance to speak?
Design company. The new processes were introduced gradually.
“Is there hierarchy in sociocracy?” is a fairly common question. And since people expect me to say no, I always say yes. Why? Because that’s the best way to get […]