Sociocracy and Nonviolent Communication (NVC) are often used together. For a good reason! The essence of Nonviolent Communication is “Everyone’s needs matter”. The essence of sociocracy is “Every voice matters” […]
The Permacultural Collective Mandate of Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brazil, was born with transparency, equivalence, efficiency, and a dynamic structure, capable of seeking unity within diversity. As a movement that seeks to keep people’s culture alive through caring for the Earth, caring for each other, and sharing knowledge and resources (human, natural and financial) fairly,…
Wise Democracy tools serves deliberation and input, sociocracy serves decision-making and implementation. Here’s how they can be combined.
Our reaction to what life brings before us cannot always be predicted but a dose of self-knowledge can help. In this article, I will go through aspects of the nervous […]
Sociocracy is easily picked up by children with practice. This presentation will focus on steps to take to practice sociocracy with children in small groups, from finding a children’s domain to practicing consent decision making together.
5 Ways you’re already using restorative practices and how to become even more restorative when using sociocracy “Don’t tell anyone else we’ve trained, but this is by far the […]
One of the values of cooperatives is to have democratic processes involving all members. The value of sociocracy is to have all workers be decision-makers. How does this match in large coops, like platform coops?
Learn about a society model that brings together the Sociocratic Neighbourhood Circle (aka Neighbourhood Parliament), cohousing development, and local multistakeholder coop.
Drawing on the past two to three years of implementation at Unicorn Grocery and Kate’s many years of experience supporting co-ops in communication and decision making, Abbie and Kate show how to implement sociocracy in a way that works for your co-op.
About a “satellite apartment” with 10 other adults at the ambitious housing coop in Zurich, Switzerland. Since 2017 we have been practicing sociocracy for our monthly circle meetings (to discuss issues, make decisions, manage our money) and open votes to select new flatmates.