What can natural languages teach us about self-governance? The language of collaboration: When two humans talk, they use language to make sense of the world and to connect. Governance is […]
R:ekobyn is a forming ecovillage in rural Sweden. R:ekobyn encourages local businesses and plans to lease part of the land to new businesses to bring back daily social life to the village, reduce the need to commute.
“What is in store for Bridport Cohousing and Sociocracy? ‘We’ll just get better at it!’ laughs Judith. ’Nobody has suggested dropping it. The opposite in fact – using Sociocracy has helped us attract new members.’”
What can circles and organizations do to prevent and address conflict? What is institutional support for conflict resolution? We look at tools like governance agreements, conflict resolution circles, resolution groups, and how to exclude someone from a circle.
Presentation by Pascale Mompoint-Gaillard. How do the principles of Theory U (O. Scharmer/M. I. T.) relate to those of Sociocracy? How do these technologies meet and mesh? What are the areas in which their serve each other to create profound and meaningful experiences? This session is for all, including participants who have not yet engaged…
Presentation by Henny Freitas. The Permacultural Collective Mandate of Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brazil, was born with transparency, equivalence, efficiency and a dynamic structure to look for unity within diversity. As a movement which seeks to keep the culture of the people alive through caring for the Earth, caring for each other, and sharing knowledge…
A presentation by Sheella Mierson and John Schinnerer. In the same way we measure general intelligence for individuals, we can measure “collective intelligence” for groups of people. Research shows that “collective intelligence” comes from different factors within a group than we might expect or imagine. Sheella and John explore how these factors are either already…
Presentation by Bolette Nyrop. Description: The dance between Sociocracy and the Art of Hosting: Where do they strengthen each other? How do they complement each other? Where are they at odds?
A presentation by Tanya Stergiou and Nara Pais. This presentation focuses on anti-patterns that emerged during a year long consultancy. An anti-pattern is common response to a recurring problem that is usually counter productive, creates bad habits and makes matters worse. Identifying anti-patterns and substituting them for sociocratic patterns helps to create a culture based…