What can natural languages teach us about self-governance? The language of collaboration: When two humans talk, they use language to make sense of the world and to connect. Governance is […]
Never had there been so much complexity in our world, even before Corona. Running organisations was proving increasingly difficult due to the complexity they were operating under. Partly this was because the methods we were using were never designed to run organisations in complexity. Leadership in complexity requires a completely different set of tools from…
Sociocracy was developed with small groups in mind. When and how can we apply it to large groups?
Are sociocratic organizations more responsive than top-down hierarchies? Read a case study of two sociocratic organizations – a community and an NGO workplace – and their responses to the covid crisis.
Sometimes people tell me that what sociocracy does to groups is “magic”. I agree that it’s not uncommon that people who had never met before create meaningful connection and deeply […]
What do new organizations need? Better structure, better mindset, better communication?
This blog post connects sociocracy, a participatory governance system, to the Ostrom principles for sustainable governance of CPR (common-pool resources). Sociocracy and Ostrom’s principles share very basic values and observations, which makes sociocratic governance a perfect fit for CPR governance.