What are the conditions and capacities needed for a Self-organizing Developmental Organization (SDO) to work?

May your power be with you

What are the conditions and capacities needed for a Self-organizing Developmental Organization (SDO) to work?


This partcipative workshop will include an overview of integrating a developmental culture with self-organizing principles and how this is vital in being a regenerative organization. We will then explore together the conditions and capacities needed for an SDO to work. In small groups, weโ€™ll exchange success stories, challenges, questions and insights. Weโ€™ll create a shared harvest document and resources you can take with you to use in your organizational work.


Bernadette Wesley - - Sociocracy For All

Bernadette Wesley is an organizational consultant and coach, helping
leaders and their teams flourish as a Self-organizing Developmental
Organization (SDO). She integrates sociocratic power-with structures with
developing the inner skills and capacities to use those structures well. Her
motto is, โ€œyou canโ€™t have power-with unless you have power-within.โ€

Bernadette is an Associate Partner with Fraendi. She is a Kegan trained
Immunity to Change Facilitator and is Certified in Sociocracy and Integrative
Mind-Body Therapy with over 25 years experience bridging inner and outer
