Language: Español

The 2020 Global Sociocracy Conference was a wonderful success thanks to the community of incredible presenters who came together and shared their experience and knowledge!
We are so excited to share these amazing presentations with you. Thank you for supporting Sociocracy for All!
Allen Vernier: Experimenting with sociocracy in a top-down-context
Discussion between two cultures, discussion between a subsidiary and its owner. This presentation based on a business case will deal with the opportunity for command and control companies to test sociocracy and with potential obstacles and constraints.
Integrando la Sociocracia en un Mandato Político (Henny Freitas)
Language: Español El Mandato Colectivo Permacultural del Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brasil, nació con transparencia, equivalencia, eficiencia y una estructura dinámica capaz de buscar la unidad dentro de la diversidad. […]
VoxelGroup: Sociocracia en un “Great Place to Work®“ (Adrián Perreau)
Adrián Perreau. Voxel Group es una empresa tecnológica del sector turístico que nace en 2001 y que ha crecido orgánicamente desde entonces. En 2017 había llegado a superar los 150 empleados y se encontraba con dificultades. Voxel quería mantener el ritmo de crecimiento y no sabía cómo estructurarse. Mandó a varios directivos a hacer un…
Estallidos Sociales y Sociocracia (Sebastián Zulueta)
Sebastián Zulueta. En diversos países del planeta se están dando “estallidos sociales” en los que millones de personas “indignadas” se movilizan al sentir que no se cumplen lo que consideran los mínimos tolerables de justicia. ¿En qué medida la Sociocracia ofrece una alternativa viable para contrarrestar las tensiones sociales que detonan los estallidos sociales? ¿Cuáles…
Cómo las organizaciones sociocráticas responden y se adaptan a la crisis actual (Zujeil Flores)
Zujeil Flores. ¿Qué permite que una organización sea resiliente? En esta presentación veremos cómo las organizaciones sociocráticas de diferentes sectores y países han respondido y se han adaptado a la crisis actual y a qué deberíamos prestar atención en nuestras organizaciones para fortalecer su resiliencia y prepararse para futuras incertidumbres.
La Sociocracia como herramienta para la transición a un nuevo sistema operativo (Allan Rhodes)
Allan Rhodes. La Sociocracia como herramienta para la transición a un nuevo sistema operativo organizacional en organizaciones no gubernamentales: Una perspectiva de consultoría/coaching.
¿Cómo liderar equipos y generar compromiso gracias a la sociocracia? (Olivier Gesbert)
Luego de un evento familiar difícil que impactó su empresa en Perú, Olivier tuvo que regresar a Francia liderando sus equipos a 10.000 kilómetros de distancia. Tres años después con un negocio al borde de la quiebra, Olivier decidió confiar en las personas apoyándose en Sociocracia. Hace 6 años que la empresa reinventó su modelo…
Recupero mi poder con la Comunicación No Violenta (CNV) y lo comparto con la Sociocracia (Tatiana Monroy Pardo)
La charla “recupero mi poder con la Comunicación No Violenta y lo comparto con la Sociocracia” tiene el objetivo de explorar en las nociones del Cambio de Paradigma cultural (al que nos convoca la Comunicación No Violenta) las formas en que hemos aportado a la dominación y a la colaboración en nuestras relaciones y desde…
Theory U and Sociocracy: Presencing in sociocratic circles
Presentation by Pascale Mompoint-Gaillard. How do the principles of Theory U (O. Scharmer/M. I. T.) relate to those of Sociocracy? How do these technologies meet and mesh? What are the areas in which their serve each other to create profound and meaningful experiences? This session is for all, including participants who have not yet engaged…
Integrating Sociocracy into a Political Mandate
Presentation by Henny Freitas. The Permacultural Collective Mandate of Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brazil, was born with transparency, equivalence, efficiency and a dynamic structure to look for unity within diversity. As a movement which seeks to keep the culture of the people alive through caring for the Earth, caring for each other, and sharing knowledge…
Sociocracy for short term projects and events
A presentation by Rakesh Rootsman Rak. How to set up effective sociocratic decision making for short term projects such as intensive residential courses, events, activist actions, etc. Ever been in a situation where you need to deliver on a project and you can see people are not in sync with the same vision and you…
Using Sociocracy for Decision-Making in Social Services and Medical Care
Presentation by Norma Wassel Medical and human services are routinely delivered in a hierarchical system with rigid roles of authority. This results in a process that often disempowers staff as well as the individuals and families receiving assistance. How can we implement Sociocracy in these systems? With case examples!
Conscious Business Assessment
Presentation by Roberto Bonino. Assessing the soft-skills needed to thrive in a self-managed organization.
When no-one hears or gets whats being said
Presentation by Kim Scott. All chat for me is around transformation; embodied experiences; heart space; emotional intelligence; and well much more…. as I am sure many people could add more things prevelent and alive today especially around critical thinking/consciousness. In this session I will offer clear ideas and discussion looking at heart-head-hand embodied experience; useful…
Building Sociocracy into Morey Flextech High School
A presentation by Will Gowen. Two years of building student agency at a small public charter school in rural Michigan, USA. Learn about the first two years of a newly started public charter high school that attempted to utilize different democratic methods to give students voice and choice in their schooling. Eventually landing on sociocracy,…
The “four necessary requirements” for intentional communities to use sociocracy effectively
In my years teaching sociocracy for ecovillages, cohousing communities, and other intentional communities and member-led groups, I realized they need to meet what I call “the four necessary requirements” to succeed and thrive with sociocracy — to use it effectively and avoid the unintended conflict from not meeting the requirements. They are: (1) Everyone learns…
Hierarchy, power and sociocracy
A presentation by Jacob Theilgaard. Hierarchy, power and sociocracy will explore the dynamic of power and emergence of informal hierarchies in sociocratic circles through micro behaviours. We will explore the different dimensions of hierarchy and how you can support equilibrium between perspectives and viewpoints with facilitation.
Increasing Collective Intelligence through Sociocracy
A presentation by Sheella Mierson and John Schinnerer. In the same way we measure general intelligence for individuals, we can measure “collective intelligence” for groups of people. Research shows that “collective intelligence” comes from different factors within a group than we might expect or imagine. Sheella and John explore how these factors are either already…
Decision-making in a Northern European Historic Perspective
A presentation by Kåre Wangel & Tobias Jørgensen. Before the enlightenment era gave way for the modern democratic state, governance in the northern European countries had several resemblances with sociocracy, both on a transnational level and on a local level. Still today there is a latent democracy-critique in rural danish culture that stems from considerations…
Sociocracy in Schools
Presentation by Hope Wilder. Case study from Pathfinder in Durham, NC. How does consent decision-making work on the ground with ages 5-14? What does sociocracy look like when including the whole school community? Hope Wilder will discuss implementation of sociocracy in a self-directed learning community with Board, Staff, Parent, Community, and Member’s (children’s) circles.
Sociocracy and Art of Hosting
Presentation by Bolette Nyrop. Description: The dance between Sociocracy and the Art of Hosting: Where do they strengthen each other? How do they complement each other? Where are they at odds?
Getting it Built with Sociocracy
Presentation by Cate de Vreede. The case of Treehouse Village Ecohousing. Treehouse Village’s first decision may have been its best: choosing to use sociocracy. Hear how members of this developing cohousing community are using sociocracy to design their physical and social community.
Cybernetics revisited
Presentation by Frands Frydendal. What does it take for a Sociocracy implementation to be “Good enough for now and safe enough to try”? Cybernetic support for conflict resolution and personal and organisational maturing.
Antipatterns – Solutions for common problems that tend to make them worse
A presentation by Tanya Stergiou and Nara Pais. This presentation focuses on anti-patterns that emerged during a year long consultancy. An anti-pattern is common response to a recurring problem that is usually counter productive, creates bad habits and makes matters worse. Identifying anti-patterns and substituting them for sociocratic patterns helps to create a culture based…
Sociocracy in Extinction Rebellion New York City
Presentation by Jesse Marshall. Description: Extinction Rebellion (XR) used a hybrid of Holacracy and sociocracy to become the fastest growing environmental movement in the world in 2019. Jesse is one of four SoFA members serving on the governance circle of XR New York City, the largest chapter in the US. In this session, he’ll reflect…
How Conduct a Probe, a Report From The First Narrathon
Presentation by John Buck. How do you deal with complexity? Have you heard of probing it to try to make sense? This presentation will talk about how to develop and launch experimental probes.
Sociocracy and Holacracy through a human organization lens
Presentation by Emanuele Quintarelli. Description: Sociocracy and Holacracy, so similar and so different! Is there any lesson Sociocracy may learn from Holacracy? How can we look at both of them to be more intentional in organization design?
Sociocracy as a solution for succession and organizational effectiveness – NGO case
Presentation by Irena Kaszewska. Description: Szarża is a horse riding association with a 35-year history. It has always based on volunteer work, creating a unique community, inclusive and active. With a growing scale of operations, the ad-hoc and intuitive management style of volunteers started to be insufficient. Sociocracy, piloted on a small scale, proved to…
Sociocracy and Permaculture Design in a School Setting
A presentation by Andreas Jonsson. How can we integrate Sociocracy with Permaculture Design to get things done effectively and sustainably, and at the same time learn a lot? Andreas is a Permaculture Designer & Teacher. He works as a selected School Head Master at Holma – a school for Adult Education, which is run with…
Coaching skills and sociocracy in our business
Presentation by Kristina Čelke. Description: As H. Froyd said: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” In this presentation I will talk about how sociocracy and coaching skills can create bigger value for organisations and teams and that they could/would be able work with ease. Also I am going…
Sociocracy and Prosocial
Presentation by Paul Atkins and Ted Rau. Prosocial is a first change method based on evolutionary science to enhance cooperation and collaboration for groups of all types and sizes that’s effective at a global scale. It It dovetails beautifully with sociocracy – in this talk, Paul and Ted will show how the two frameworks enhance…
Sociocracia en la Nueva Era (Diego Cuadra)
Diego Cuadra. Estamos viviendo tiempos extraordinarios, tiempos de grandes cambios. Muchas tradiciones y pueblos, Hindúes, Incas, Mayas, Mapuches, muchos pueblos nativos americanos, Judíos y también está escrito en la Biblia, han hablado durante siglos del término de un gran ciclo y el inicio de otro de mayor armonía y paz. Hoy en tiempos de Cornonavirus…
Integrando la Sociocracia en un Mandato Político (Henny Freitas)
Henny Freitas. El Mandato Colectivo Permacultural del Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brasil, nació con transparencia, equivalencia, eficiencia y una estructura dinámica capaz de buscar la unidad dentro de la diversidad. Como un movimiento que procura mantener viva la cultura de las personas a través del cuidado de la Tierra, el cuidado mutuo y el intercambio…
Sociocracy enhancing psychological safety on a team
By Francine Proulx-Kenzle. Think of psychological safety as creating a safe space, a safe bubble, where a team member feels confident that no one on the team will embarrass or punish anyone else for admitting a mistake, asking a question or offering a new idea. Psychological safety helps individuals feel safe enough to broaden their…
Non-Profit Law and Sociocratic Governance
A presentation by MIke Haber. The presentation describes different ways that NGOs and non-profits have used sociocracy in their corporate governance structures. Based largely on Prof. Haber’s experience in representing U.S. activist organizations, he discusses different non-profit governance structures that embrace sociocracy within the context of the legal limitations on non-profits and NGOs.
Adaptive Organisations: How to turn the two fragilities of sociocracy and Holacracy into antifragilities
Presentation by Graham Boyd. Both sociocracy and Holacracy are superb at harnessing tensions to drive change at the task and role level in an organisation. Fragility 1: if you incorporate with governance only with one or two of the stakeholder groups, you build in a fragile power-over dynamic, incapable of harnessing the value in the…
Relational Mode: Creating Space for People in Self-Management
A presentation by Nara Pais and Tanya Stergiou. At Sociocracia Brasil, we soon found out that implementing Sociocracy entails a cultural change and a special attention to people and relations within the organization. Thus, for the past 4 years or so, we have been developing what we call Relational Mode, side-by-side to Governance and Operational…
What to do when emotions get high
A presentation by Karen Gimnig. Sociocracy has lots of tools for supporting good communication and most the time this keeps folks steady and participating well, but not always. We humans are driven more by feelings than anything else and occasionally there are meetings when those feelings show up in ways that threaten the psychological safety…
How sociocratic organizations respond and adapt to crises
Presentation by Zujeil Flores. What allows an organization to be resilient? In this presentation, Zujeil looks at how Sociocratic organizations from different sectors and countries have responded and adapted to the current crisis and what we might want to pay attention to in our organizations to strengthen their resilience and prepare for future uncertainties!
Working with Flow: Sociocracy in the Funeral Industry
Presentation by Gina Price and Kevin Hartley. Earth Funerals is a brand, a trading model and a blueprint for sustainable practice in the end-of-life sector. The ambitious mission of establishing a national network of natural burial grounds across Australia called for a governance and planning system capable of meeting the demands of a complex, dynamic…
Applying sociocracy in my small business
A small mail-order business in the natural health field. I was amazed at how much value the process brought into so many areas of the business as we gave each one its particular focus, and many valuable new initiatives were instigated as a result.