Sociocracy in
Intentional Communities conference 2022
Creating a future that works for all today
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Embracing that conflict is natural and with systems in place for the herd, we can relax and move toward restoration. You’ve probably noticed that many intentional communities (maybe even yours?) ask their members to take Non-Violent Communication and Sociocracy training, but have you ever reflected about how to integrate those two powerful tools together? If yes, you might have found many similarities between the two. That’s because they are rooted in the same regenerative worldview. This workshop will explore their similarities, some concrete ways to integrate NVC while doing sociocracy, and an even more concrete application with a showcase of the systems used in the Care & Counsel Circle from Cherry Hill cohousing (formerly Pioneer Valley Cohousing).

Gina is the author of a book called Heart to Heart and living in the Pioneer Valley Cohousing Community in Amherst, Massachusetts. She’s a member of a circle called Care & Counsel where members keep their fingers on the social/emotional pulse of the community. Through this circle, Gina has created many venues for staying connected through the inevitability of conflict. Her motto is: Conflict happens – Expect it!

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The Sociocracy in Intentional Communities Conference 2022 is organized sociocratically by SoFA’s Intentional Communities Circle
Visit our Sociocracy in Intentional community website to find out more about what we do.
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