May your power be with you
Consent & Crew: Journey to the Temple
The Orb of Prejudice was created long ago by a powerful sorcerer who was consumed by hatred and bigotry towards certain races and cultures. He believed that the only way to truly protect and preserve his own people was to eliminate all others. He imbued the orb with dark magic, designed to spread prejudice and discrimination, and used it to manipulate and control those around him. But as his power grew, so too did the destructive force of the orb. It caused widespread chaos and suffering, leading to wars and genocides. Eventually, the sorcerer and his followers were defeated and the orb was sealed away in a hidden location, guarded by powerful magic and deadly traps to prevent its misuse. But now, an ancient prophecy has surfaced, predicting the return of the orb and the rise of a new tyrant who would use its power to conquer and enslave. The adventurers have been chosen to find and destroy the orb, before it falls into the wrong hands and unleashes another era of hatred and violence.
In this high fantasy roleplaying game, our group of adventurers are determined to bring justice, peace, and freedom in a magical realm. Being a radically democratic group, all of their actions are methodically debated and agreed upon with sociocracy.

Di Pham. Di plays at the intersection of storytelling and technology to develop social games for the revolution. When she’s not playing in her web3 experience sandbox, she’s walking in the woods or roaming on public land.