Does Sociocracy Support Student Voice? Presentation of original research

May your power be with you

Does Sociocracy Support Student Voice? Presentation of original research


Student voice, in academic language, means the ability of students to give feedback, decide together with teachers and staff, or decide for themselves on student issues in schools. This presentation will showcase my original peer-reviewed research into the question: does sociocracy support student voice? Student council members at a public charter high school in Ithaca, NY, USA were interviewed about their perceptions of sociocracy as a method for their voices as students. Qualitatively analyzed results showed overall positive opinions of sociocracy, with an emphasis on sociocracy’s unique support of inclusion of all voices, coming to decisions that everyone can live with, and ability for students to make decisions that affect their lives.


Hope Wilder

Hope Wilder is the author of the book โ€œLetโ€™s Decide Together: Practicing sociocracy with childrenโ€ and certified sociocracy facilitator. She founded the Pathfinder Community School using sociocracy with ages 5-14 (closed 2020, see presentation here.) Her private training page is
Hope is the Youth and Education Program Manager at SoFA, as well as the Web Content Specialist and Articles Editor. She manages the Schools Community of Practice as well as the SoFA Writer’s Workshop. She has written several articles on the SoFA webpage. Read them here. Her peer-reviewed qualitative research paper, โ€œDoes Sociocracy Support Student Voice?โ€ is published for free to the general public in the November 2022 issue of the Holistic Education Review. She enjoys playing the cello and daily walks by the Eno River in her hometown of Durham, NC, USA.

Tina Nilsen Hodges - - Sociocracy For All

Tina Nilsen-Hodges moved to Ithaca in 2002 seeking a community interested in developing an innovative new model of education for justice and sustainability that inspires young people as innovators and social entrepreneurs. She lead the founding team of New Roots Charter School and has served as school leader since its inception.

Tina has been a teacher and curriculum developer for New York State schools and for innovative educational programs for democracy, social justice and sustainability education since 1989. Awarded the Couper Fellowship for Excellence in Education by Binghamton University, she holds certification to teach prekindergarten through 12th grade and as a school building and district leader. Serving as a community and educational leader at EcoVillage at Ithaca (EVI), she was part of the planning committee for the Center for Sustainability Education and Groundswell Institute for Food and Farming, and taught courses in sustainability education at Ithaca College.

A passionate advocate for organic agriculture and local food systems, Tina and her husband Jim, a Montessori teacher, live in the first neighborhood at EcoVillage at Ithaca. A certified teacher of Lila Yoga, she greets the day with a morning practice that focuses on the flow of energy within the postures. Her sons are pursuing their passion for outdoor adventure leadership and farm-to-table culinary arts.
