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Effective, Egalitarian Governance: An Introduction to Sociocracy (Denver, CO)

Cohocon24 Intensive Tour Graphic - - Sociocracy For All

01/08/2024 @ 13:00 17:00 EDT

In person intensive

About this event

We will experience the basic elements of self-organizing and making decisions where every voice matters. We will practice consent decision making and dealing with objections. We will explore community team structure and how a communty can keep evolving by creating a feedback-rich enviroment. If you have been wanting an intoduction to sociocracy, this is the session to come to. And if you want practical ways to function well as a community, even without sociocacy, then you’d enjoy this session.


Getting Started

Unsure of what your level is? Try our Sociocracy Level Quiz. This event is geared towards people with an assessment score of <14 but open to anyone.


Our sociocracy basic methods classes are taught by certified sociocracy trainers.

Jerry Koch-Gonzalez

Jerry - - Sociocracy For All

Jerry has been committed to nonviolent social change all his adult life. He started his career with anti-oppression (especially classism), then became a certified trainer of Nonviolent Communication/NVC, facilitation, consensus. In the last 10 years, he has focused on his work in sociocracy. Jerry used to be part of The Sociocracy Consulting Group, and he is co-founder of Sociocracy For All where he now works full time. Jerry was born in Cuba and immigrated to the USA as a child. He has lived in community all of his life, since 1994 in Pioneer Valley Cohousing. Jerry is the co-author of the sociocracy reference manual Many Voices One Song.

More info: https://cohousinginstitute.org/product/effective-egalitarian-governance/

See also
