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Facilitation practice (6x2h)

facilitation class 1 - - Sociocracy For All

26/03/2024 @ 14:30 16:30 EDT

2 x 6h practice class

About this practice class

This class is a potent combination of short teachings and lots of practice to mature as a facilitator and address the most common pitfalls. Every session has a theme: Integrating objections I+II, Staying on topic I+II, Dealings with feelings, Muddy situations.

Everyone gets to facilitate several times!


Learning and practicing. For people who have had an overview of sociocracy and are ready to dive into practice in a safe environment.

Unsure of what your level is? Try our Sociocracy Level Quiz. This event is geared towards people with an assessment score of 10-18 but open to anyone.


Address the most common pitfalls of sociocratic meetings head-on in realistic role plays.

  • A tried and tested format:
    • mini lecture at the beginning
    • scenarios – everyone gets a turn facilitating for embodied learning
    • reflection in plenary
  • We will practice integrating objections with focus on the steps of integrating, and then on different ways of integrating objections;
  • We will look at better agendas and how to facilitate different kinds of agenda items effectively, and what to do when we slide off track or don’t know what to talk about next.
  • What if feelings get in the way? Address them or ignore them and focus on the meeting? Who decides what?
  • What kinds of muddy situations are there? What if, for example, a visitor objects, or someone questions basic assumptions while we’re trying to ?

All classes include presentation, practice, and time for questions.

Schedule (6 sessions)

0:00-0:25Welcome and teaching of the day, intro scenarios
0:25-1:403×25 min of role play in groups of 3-4 people; topic will go with the theme of the session
1:40-2:00Reflections and learnings with trainer responses


Our sociocracy basic methods classes are taught by certified sociocracy trainers.

Ted Rau

ted consultant medium square - - Sociocracy For All

Ted is an advocate, trainer and consultant for self-governance. His main focus is sociocracy. After his PhD in linguistics and work in Academia, he co-founded the membership organization Sociocracy For All in 2016 which has grown to 250 members with several international and topic-focused departments and action teams. Ted spends his days consulting with mission-driven organizations, teaching and deeply immersed in the work as a member within Sociocracy For All. Ted identifies as a transgender man; he has 5 children between 10 and 20. A German citizen, he has lived in Massachusetts since 2010. He is (co)-author of three books on self-governance, Many Voices One Song (2018), Who Decides Who Decides (2021), and Collective Power (2023) and working on a book on the interface between governance and wisdom.

Duration and time zone

This event consists of 5x 2-hour sessions starting on March 26.

The starting time in local time zones is:

The other sessions:


You can request a 30% group discount for groups of 3+ people. Email events@sociocracyforall.org.
Affordability is important to us. Please email events@sociocracyforall.org if the ticket price keeps you from attending and describe your need briefly.

You can attend individual sessions by request for $40 each. Contact events@sociocracyforall.org to arrange.

$200 6x2h workshop and practice


View Venue Website

See also
