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Introduction to Sociocracy in Intentional Communities in Oceania

Introduction to Sociocracy in Oceania - - Sociocracy For All

12/06/2024 @ 20:00 22:00 EDT


About this webinar

For our first event for intentional communities at an Oceania friendly time, we’re proposing you a 4-in-1: getting to know each other, discovering how sociocracy can support intentional communities like cohousing and ecovillages, answering your questions and hearing your requests for us, SoFA’S Intentional Communities Circle. 

This event is for you if:

  • You are curious about sociocracy and intentional communities and/or
  • You live in a community that practices sociocracy and need to learn the basics and/or
  • You already use sociocracy and want to ask your questions to professionals and/or
  • You have specific requests for us and/or
  • You want to meet other communities interested in sociocracy in your region


Getting Started




0:00Welcome & Plan
0:05Check-in and introductions in breakout groups
0:15Quick introduction by communities who are present
0:30Introduction to sociocracy in intentional communities
1:30Open Questions & Answers
1:45What would you like us to do next


Audrée Morin

Audree - - Sociocracy For All

Trained as a biologist, Audrée has travelled intentional communities and regenerative projects in North America for two years and visited a total of 42 communities. She now wishes to contribute her hummingbird share to the reinvention of a collaborative culture, starting with her own internal work. She is curious about the frameworks than enhance collaboration within and between species, and has fallen in love with sociocracy, non-violent communication, restorative circles, Zegg forums, gift economy and permaculture. She shares mostly sociocracy and restorative circles professionally under the name Interconnexion. She is also a non-resident member of l’Habitat de l’hêtre intentional community, with who she has an interdependant relationship around food and much more.

Audrée has been the administrator of SOFA’s Intentional Community circle for 3 years, and more recently joined the Ecosystem, General and Organization Support circles. Already certified as a sociocracy facilitator, she is currently doing Academy level 2 with SOFA, and is only 4 badges away from obtaining her trainer certification.

Duration and time zone

This event is one 2-hour session on June 12 (America time zones) and June 13 (Oceania time zones). The starting time in local time zones is:


$40 2 hour live webinar


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See also
