Sociocracy is used by dozens of communities (82 are listed on with “sociocracy” as their governance system) – for good reasons:
The sweet spot between an egalitarian decision-making system that allows groups to be productive and clear in their decision-making systems is where sociocracy is strong.
In this webinar, we will show how sociocracy works in forming communities – groups that are looking for a site or have started to build.
Why is this relevant now?
(Already in a community run on consensus? See our webinar for established communities.)
This introduction will be taught by Jerry Koch-Gonzalez and Ted Rau, both staff in Sociocracy For All, and authors of the sociocracy handbook Many Voices One Song. They both live in a cohousing community.
This event will include a short welcome/check-in, followed by a 45min presentation and time for questions from participants.
Can’t find the zoom room or the passcode? For those registered:; Passcode: 409125
The event will be on Oct 8, 8pm Eastern Time (confusingly, this equates to Oct 9 0:00 UTC).
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