Co-creating proposals (learn and practice)

Venus – SoFA Zoom Room

Basic sociocracy methodsAbout this classThere are different ways to create a proposal. One is simply for one person to write a proposal. That’s efficient and quick. Yet, it loses perspectives and might actually be slower in the long run if we look at missed opportunities and connections, length of time to work out kinks of […]


Co-creating proposals (learn and practice)

Venus – SoFA Zoom Room

Basic sociocracy methodsAbout this classThere are different ways to create a proposal. One is simply for one person to write a proposal. That’s efficient and quick. Yet, it loses perspectives and might actually be slower in the long run if we look at missed opportunities and connections, length of time to work out kinks of […]


Nonviolent Communication (3x2h)

Earth – SoFA Zoom Room Earth Zoom Room

This is a 3-session introduction class to compassionate communication (Nonviolent Communication, NVC). It covers basic concepts with many examples. All sessions are participatory with time for questions and answers.

NVC meshes beautifully with sociocracy because it allows us to listen well, make ourselves understood on a deeper level, and explore together how we can co-create solutions that work for everyone.

The classes will be taught by Jerry Koch-Gonzalez, co-founder and staff member of Sociocracy For All and certified NVC trainer. All sessions are participatory with time for questions, role-plays in small groups.


Decision-making by consent June 2024

Venus – SoFA Zoom Room

Basic sociocracy methods classAbout this webinarThis class is a conceptual and practical introduction to the consent process for better group decisions. You will learn and practice what consent is, how to ask for consent and what to do in the case of an objection.LevelGetting Started. (Never been to a workshop, watched/read a few things.)Unsure of […]


Draw a sociocratic circle structure

Venus – SoFA Zoom Room

This class offers two things: (1) it gives an overview of sociocratic circle structure – circles, roles, linking, General Circle, Mission Circle and special circles. In the second part, we will (2) draw your own organizational structures and get feedback on the draft.


Introduction to Sociocracy in Intentional Communities in Oceania

Venus – SoFA Zoom Room

WebinarAbout this webinarFor our first event for intentional communities at an Oceania friendly time, we’re proposing you a 4-in-1: getting to know each other, discovering how sociocracy can support intentional communities like cohousing and ecovillages, answering your questions and hearing your requests for us, SoFA’S Intentional Communities Circle. This event is for you if:LevelGetting StartedLearningExperiencedSchedule0:00Welcome & […]


Selection process – choosing roles by consent

Venus – SoFA Zoom Room

The selection process is used to choose people who will become facilitators, leaders, and delegates. It’s one of the cornerstones of sociocracy. It helps make decisions that avoid popularity contests and secret ballots and fosters transparency, feedback and focus on who can serve in the role.


Performance Reviews

Mars – SoFA Zoom Room

The performance review process in sociocracy is a 360-degree process to give feedback to people in roles. It’s structured and optimized to give high-quality feedback in a safe and relaxed atmosphere. It ends with a peer-based improvement plan that supports personal and professional growth and accountability.


Effective, Egalitarian Governance: An Introduction to Sociocracy (Denver, CO)

In person intensiveAbout this eventWe will experience the basic elements of self-organizing and making decisions where every voice matters. We will practice consent decision making and dealing with objections. We will explore community team structure and how a communty can keep evolving by creating a feedback-rich enviroment. If you have been wanting an intoduction to […]


Facilitation practice (6x2h)

Jupiter – SoFA Zoom Room

This class is a potent combination of short teachings and lots of practice to mature as a facilitator and address the most common pitfalls. Every session has a theme: Integrating objections I+II, Staying on topic I+II, Dealings with feelings, Muddy situations.


Inclusive meetings. Better meetings with clarity and flow

Earth – SoFA Zoom Room Earth Zoom Room

The sociocratic meeting format is one of the gems sociocracy offers. It’s inclusive, connecting, and human-centered, while providing focus on the work. Learn in this two hour session how meetings can be improved instantly and how to build a meeting culture over time that fits your culture and gives you the meetings you want.

Nonviolent Communication (3x2h)

Jupiter – SoFA Zoom Room

This is a 3-session introduction class to compassionate communication (Nonviolent Communication, NVC). It covers basic concepts with many examples. All sessions are participatory with time for questions and answers.

NVC meshes beautifully with sociocracy because it allows us to listen well, make ourselves understood on a deeper level, and explore together how we can co-create solutions that work for everyone.

The classes will be taught by Jerry Koch-Gonzalez, co-founder and staff member of Sociocracy For All and certified NVC trainer. All sessions are participatory with time for questions, role-plays in small groups.
