Free event: Horizontal accountability

Jupiter – SoFA Zoom Room

How do leadership and accountability work in a peer-based organization? Can everyone be a leader? This free class will support you in re-thinking and improving your governance.

Free – $20.00

Self-Governance and Money Conference 2023

SoFA Zoom (Multi-Room)

Online conference: September 28 and 29, 3 hours each day. More and more workplaces and organizations use self-organization to make decisions to be more resilient, responsive and wholesome. Yet, many of them run into issues with decision-making around financial and legal questions. Join us in this groundbreaking summit where we will hear about innovative salary systems, decentralized budgeting strategies, and stories of failures and success that lead to deep lessons in our quest to marry purpose and people.

Nonviolent Communication Introduction (3x2h)

Earth – SoFA Zoom Room Earth Zoom Room

This is a 3-session introduction class to compassionate communication (Nonviolent Communication, NVC). It covers basic concepts with many examples. All sessions are participatory with time for questions and answers.
NVC meshes beautifully with sociocracy because it allows us to listen well, make ourselves understood on a deeper level, and explore together how we can co-create solutions that work for everyone.

$85 – $185

Sociocracy workshop in NYC

In-person in NYC. Don’t miss this opportunity to participate in this an all-day, hands-on workshop on the revolutionary decision-making method known as sociocracy. This dynamic and engaging workshop will provide you with the tools and techniques you need to maximize collaboration, alignment, and efficiency within your team.


Sociocracy Certification Intensive (Shutesbury, MA)

Sirius Community Shutesbury, MA, United States

Join us for an immersive 7-day residential training in sociocracy at Sirius Community in Shutesbury, Massachusetts from October 15-21. About the training This training offers two tracks of learning, one for beginners and one for advanced practitioners, that will teach you how to make decisions collaboratively, create inclusive structures, and foster a culture of continuous […]

$1074 – $4200

Free intro: Inclusive meetings

Earth – SoFA Zoom Room Earth Zoom Room

In this free class, we will share the template for how to structure a meeting so everyone and be heard.

Free – $20

Intentional Communities Conference 2023

SoFA Zoom (Multi-Room)

Join us online on Saturday, November 18th, 2023 to explore how sociocracy supports ecovillages, cohousing projects, housing cooperatives and other intentional communities to design a life that meets our personal and collective needs.

Free intro: Deciding together

Mars – SoFA Zoom Room

This free class will introduce you to consent-based group decision-making and help you use it in your groups.

Free – $20.00

Full class: Facilitating Group Decision Making

Venus – SoFA Zoom Room

You know the basics of consent decision-making but you need a bit more to put it into practice? This class is for you!

$85 – $180