Free introduction: What is sociocracy?
This is a free sociocracy info session. We will look at what self-management is trying to achieve, how sociocracy works, and what kind of organizations are doing sociocracy.
This is a free sociocracy info session. We will look at what self-management is trying to achieve, how sociocracy works, and what kind of organizations are doing sociocracy.
So you’ve implemented sociocracy or pieces of it, and you’re still experiencing issues? For example: People don’t follow the process, or follow it rigidly Circle agendas are too full – too much time spent in meetings compared to time spent working. Maybe there are also too many circles. Remaining power imbalance or tensions. In this […]
Find out how our panelists are using NVC to tackle these challenges. After this webinar you will be inspired to combine NVC and sociocracy.
Sei stanca di dinamiche di potere tossiche nella tua organizzazione? Hai fiducia nel potere della collaborazione e della saggezza collettiva? Pensi che le organizzazioni possano essere spazi pieni di sinergia, cooperazione, crescita e connessioni profonde e autentiche? Partecipa ad una sessione introduttiva gratuita sulla sociocrazia! Ne illustreremo gli elementi base e cosa cerchiamo di ottenere […]
Are you tired of conflicts over chores? Or are you having trouble managing a rowdy classroom? Sociocracy and Non-Violent Communication are complementary systems that support emotional intelligence and collaborative decision-making. These systems provide tools to help parents and teachers work together with children towards mutual understanding, creating healthier and more values-aligned relationships. This webinar will […]
Commoning is an ancient but newly rediscovered social paradigm of provisioning and governance that arises whenever a group of people seek to steward shared wealth in participatory, fair-minded,sustainable ways. Operating independently of state power and capitalist markets, commons can be seen in open-source peer production and Wikipedia, cohousing and cooperatives, community land trusts and CSA […]
This Webinar will give you a first impression of the principles and practices of the Language of SpacesTM framework (LoS) and how it can support you on your personal journey with self-organization. LoS is the only framework that has been developed out of the actual practical experience of self-organization. Over the past 10 years it […]
Workshop cancelled Please contact if you are interested in a workshop at another time. Topic This workshop is for anyone wanting to practice sociocracy with children, whether you are working in a school group, at home, in a club, or a co-op. Sociocracy has many components, and yet children learn concepts such as consent […]
Workshop cancelled Please contact if you are interested in a workshop at another time. Topic This workshop is for anyone wanting to practice sociocracy with children, whether you are working in a school group, at home, in a club, or a co-op. Sociocracy has many components, and yet children learn concepts such as consent […]
In this webinar, Ted will talk with Aaron Dignan, co-founder of The Ready and author of the book Brave New Work, about the future of work.
We’re very excited to present this opportunity to you! Come watch the documentary “Power to the Children’ with us. This film offers a deep insight in the lives of children who are part of the Children’s Parliaments in India. The Children’s Parliaments are a huge and successful effort to help people solve serious problems in […]
During this panel, Otto Scharmer and some SoFA members will explore how Sociocracy and Theory U complement and relate to each other.
Join us for a sociocratically facilitated discussion on decision-making in Fediverse-connected organizations!
This is a free sociocracy info session. We will look at what self-management is trying to achieve, how sociocracy works, and what kind of organizations are doing sociocracy.
A free webinar to explore ways in which sociocracy, a self governance method helps founders find the balance between their own vision for the organization they created and the structure to allow decentralized growth.
Are you tired of power games in your organizations? Do you have hope that collaboration in organizations could bring out the best in people?Do you think organizations could be places of synergy, collaboration, growth, and deep and authentic connection?This webinar is giving an overview of sociocracy. We will talk about:TeacherThis introduction will be taught by […]
A free webinar for organizations who want to learn how to break their power dynamics and live up to their values by using sociocracy.