Building Horizontal Organizations: Free Intro

This video about building horizontal organizations will support you in unleashing both empowerment and alignment in your organization.

How can everyone be a decision-maker? Learn how to distribute decisions so every voice can be heard.

Learn 3 secrets to sharing power successfully!

There are 7 secrets to sharing power successfully, and this free class will cover the 3 most important ones plus one small group exercise:

Autonomy: how to be clear on who decides what

Alignment: how make sure everyone is working towards the same goal

Communication: how to make sure information travels and everyone knows whatโ€™s happening โ€“ no silos! Weโ€™ll also do an exercise together to experience the advantages and limitations of all common organization designs.

See the slides here

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After attending – or watchingย this recording – we recommend you sign up for the full class;
“Full class: Decentralizing decision-making with roles and circles”
