How Can a Collaboration Document Help a Sociocratic Circle?

May your power be with you

How Can a Collaboration Document Help a Sociocratic Circle?


The Blueprint of We Collaboration Document ( builds trust, creativity, effortlessness, and resilience into relationships. A sociocratic circle can create one to hold the relationship part of what they do and who they are together, and can raise the groupโ€™s effectiveness. The process, used in over 100 countries, helps avoid wasting time, money, and frustration from miscommunication or lack of clarity, and increase capacity for productive collaboration. This hands-on session will guide you through a structured process to write your own mini-Blueprint, that you can then use in your circle.


Sheella Mierson

Sheella Mierson, Ph.D., is a founding member of The Sociocracy Consulting Group (, a partner in Blueprint of We California, (, and a Certified Facilitator for the Blueprint of We Collaboration Process. She loves helping bring out the best in individuals and groups.
