May your power be with you
How to safely implement a sociocratic governance model?
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In this presentation I like to share my experience in (re)designing the organisational structure and implementation of sociocratic governance models in different contexts. What creates the safety to start? How to distribute power and influence and keep track of the organisational flows? How to run governance meetings and use consent decision making in systems that use delegacy? How to evaluate domains and help the organisation to become self-sufficient in doing sociocracy? I also like to hear your challenges and give my view in return.

Dette van Zeeland. As transformation coach I inspire and facilitate organisations and teams to collaborate in more conscious and effective ways, based on equivalence and ownership. I help organisations to become a living system that taps into the collective wisdom, embrace a culture of trust, respect and openness and design a structure that can handle complexity and continuous change.
The social technology that feeds my work
To do so I use Sociocracy 3.0, Agile and Lean principles, Teal, Nonviolent communication, Systemic work, NWOW and change management methodologies. In my facilitation I use a variety of tools for cocreation, codesign and group dynamics and I have a systemic and holistic approach in every transformation process.
The Annual Global Sociocracy Conference 2023 is organized sociocratically by SoFA members
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