List of Nonprofits Using Sociocracy

Why should nonprofits use sociocracy?

Many nonprofits use sociocracy as a governing method. Sociocracy works well in mission-oriented organizations as there is a very clear path towards clarifying your vision, mission, and aims. This clarity helps drive the organization as a whole to carry out its mission more effectively. Additionally, staff members have an opportunity to represent their interests in the organization. Having staff voices at the table helps to reduce burnout, a key problem in many nonprofits. Overall, sociocracy can help bring greater effectiveness, inclusiveness, and clarity to nonprofits.

List of nonprofits using sociocracy

This list is FAR from complete. For more information on some of these nonprofits visit the case studies page.

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People standing in a circle putting their hands in the middle

Sociocracy for All Member Map

To see the color key, look for the button in the top-left corner of the map.

Want to learn more?

Sociocracy training for everyone- click here for more information

Sociocracy training for all levels
