Sociocracy is Permaculture for people – Erin Young.
Our vision
A world where permaculture design and sociocratic practice make earth care, people care, and future care possible.
Our mission
To demonstrate and make available best practices in how permaculture design and sociocratic practice can be blended to achieve greater impact. To develop a community of practice for those who are designing and building interventions that are using permaculture and sociocracy.
Our origins
We’ve been meeting as a circle since 2017, when the founding members graduated from SoLT.

“The common aspects noted in both nature and society allows not only the understanding of what is being observed, but also to analyze and design new patterns across diverse contexts and scales.”
Henny Freitas
Case studies & stories
Case studies and stories of projects and people connecting application and principles of Permaculture Design and Sociocractic governance are an invaluable way to engage us. Watch this space as we aim to bring you more. And you are most cordially invited to contribute to building this resource by sharing this page with your friends and colleagues, helping us find more projects to get case studies and stories for. Contact us directly info@sociocracyforall.org
SoFA case studies & articles
Sociocracy Helps Holma Folk Highschool Grow a Sustainable World – Holma, Sweden
by Inge Kujiper

This case study was written by Inge Kuijper as part of her participation in the Sociocracy Leadership Training in December 2017.
Holma Folk Highschool in Sweden http://www.holmafolkhogskola.se/ is unique in that applied both the principles and practice of Sociocracy and Permaculture right from the start, and all teachers are trained in Sociocracy.
This is an excellent piece of work, comprehensive and dynamic, offering insights and inspirations.
Sociocracy – Lost Valley, Oregon, USA
by Melanie Rios

This article first published in 2011 in the Intentional Communities Magazine, is written by Melanie, Permaculture Teacher and Executive Director of Lost Valley EcoVillage and Education Centre. It tells the story of Lost Valley’s near surmise, when succumbing in economic and personnel stagnation to the hierarchical model of governance, how it journeyed via a ‘Positive Action Team’ to a new level of well-being and purpose.
The Permaculture principles of “Observe, interpret and interact” and “small and slow solutions” proved to be a perfect match for learning and implementing sociocracy.
Permaculture & Sociocracy as Tools – Brazil

This article published in 2019 in the Permaculture Design Magazine, is written by Henny Frietas, Facilitator and consultant for Sociocracy Brazil, member of SoFA’s Mission Circle and Permaculture Circle, and author of the e-book: “Sociocracy, new forms of Democracy in Latin America”.
The oil crisis led the US, Brazil, Sweden, and the United Kingdom into recession in the 70s. Yet, the economies of countries such as Japan and Germany (West Germany at the time) began to grow. It was the time of the end of the Vietnam War and the beginning of the defense of the environment. A significant number of women became heads of state, and the behavioral revolutions of the previous decade, such as the sexual liberation movement, continued to grow.

Permaculture newsletter!
Fill out a short form to help us connect you with resources to help you start using sociocracy right away.
Permaculture & Sociocracy Conference 2020:
Grow Engagement with Systems Design
“Growing Engagement with Systems Design” collectively explored the ecotone (“Use Edges and Value the Margin”) between Permaculture and Sociocracy, to harness the innovative and transformative forces in the space between them (“Catch and Store Energy”.)
The Permaculture Circle at Sociocracy for All (SoFA) organized an online conference that included an introduction to how sociocracy and permaculture complement each other. A plenary session conected people around the world and helped identify how people are currently bridging permaculture and sociocracy. You also have the opportunity to learn more about an upcoming SoFA Permaculture Circle course.
John Buck’s presentation at the permaculture and sociocracy online conference 2020.
John Schinnerer: “Designing Holistic Futures – Sociocracy, Permaculture, and Human Being”
Henny Freitas and Rakesh Rootsman Rak present how permaculture and sociocracy interlink.
Andreas Jonsson presents how permaculture and sociocracy interlink and how the Folkhighschool in Holma blends both.
Videos about the connections between permaculture and sociocracy
Watching and discussing videos on the subject you are curious or passionate about. Then, finding out about interesting people or reconnecting with those you value is great fun. Here is your chance! Enjoy!
We love to hear from you, either as comments on the videos or directly here.
- 5 min intro into sociocracy (SoFA) –
- 50 min Rakesh’s presentation –
- 30 min Q&A (Rakesh, SoFA, participants).
This webinar is part of the educational resources created by Sociocracy for All.
Rakesh Rootman Rak travels the world teaching Permaculture design together with Sociocracy.
This video does not include any visual presentations and can be enjoyed like a podcast.
The world of Permaculture has rediscovered many ways to build generative soil, sequester atmospheric carbon, and clean water and air. And we are starting to humbly connect to the natural processes around us, at the same time harvesting the abundance created by natural systems. As permaculturalists we do this while observing and tuning into natural patterns. So, how come we still can’t seem to share this generative knowledge and the abundance of natural systems to the whole world? It is because we are still caught in old social patterns, and we are often still acting as a pioneer species when we organize and make decisions collaboratively.
Using Sociocracy is a great way to take the next successional steps in collaborations. Holma folkhögskola is a Swedish school that is based on the Permaculture Ethics and Principles. Holma provides adult education within Organic Growing for Self Sufficiency, Forest Gardening, Foodstuffs Handling, Building & Restoration, Permaculture & Transition, Sustainable Journalism and Media, and much more….
In this webinar, Andreas shows us around (virtually) in the school.
The Prezi of the webinar is here, and the Q&A session is uploaded in a separate video here:

Webinar hosting Erin Young and John Schinnerer
- Welcome
- Introduction into SoFA and sociocracy
- Presentation permaculture/sociocracy
- Q&A
- Informal time after the closing (since there was so much good content, we decided to keep this part in for the public version)
See also this pdf file of notes taken, which gives you a quick insight into the areas covered during this webinar.
This video deserves to be watched for the interplay of its dialogue and visual content.
- 5 min intro into sociocracy (SoFA) –
- 50 min Rakesh’s presentation –
- 30 min Q&A (Rakesh, SoFA, participants).
This webinar is part of the educational resources created by Sociocracy for All.
Rakesh Rootman Rak travels the world teaching Permaculture design together with Sociocracy.
This video does not include any visual presentations and can be enjoyed like a podcast.
On-the-ground experiences and stories about applying sociocracy to permaculture organizations. A conversation with Henny Freitas, Brazil, and Julian Howell, Brighton UK, both members of SoFA and practising both permaculture and sociocracy. This webinar is part of the educational resources created by Sociocracy for All.
This video does not include any visual presentations and can be enjoyed like a podcast.
Let us also know if you have or know of a video that explores the practical and principle connections between permaculture and sociocracy.
Articles already online; interesting things to read, analyzing connections…

Watch this graphic! And send us your graphics and charts that can illuminate these connections!

Article by Niusia Winczewska on Permaculture Scotland’s annual gathering July 2017 which included presentation by Andy Goldring Sociocracy, permaculture and changing the world together. This event is connected with the Permaculture UK Association which has started applying sociocracy.

Nathaniel Whitestone (Aptivate) use Holmgren’s version of the Permaculture principles, and explains why Carver is a good start but does not go far enough – and how Sociocracy can take us all the way.
Are you excited to share and learn sociocracy
with your permaculture organization?
Whether you are a small design business, a farm, a nonprofit, or an activist group, organizational membership might be a great fit.
Sociocracy for All’s organizational memberships program gives sociocratic organizations access to discounts, community, and implementation support. With a small annual payment, organizations receive discounts on trainings, workshops, live classes, custom classes, conference tickets, coaching, and books.
Find out more on the Organizational Membership page.

Upcoming events
Community of Practice (CoP)
coming in May 2024
Are you a permaculture practitioner exploring sociocracy? Or a sociocracy practitioner interested in permaculture?
Join us for a conversation as we discover who is already in our community and begin a regular series of events that are mutually beneficial.
Rhonda Baird will be facilitating this initial CoP, and we will spend some time organizing these events, looking at themes for upcoming gatherings, and doing the things that self-organizers and systems thinkers do!
If you want more info about this CoP, here is the link.
Would you like to participate or present
at our upcoming Conference?
SoFA Permaculture Forum
Go here for help and discussion
Sociocracy for All – SoFA
This site is part of Sociocracy for All, a non-profit social enterprise that provides access to resources, training and implementation of sociocracy.
Here is a 4 min video (introduction into sociocracy)

Many Voices One Song
Many Voices One Song is the manual for sociocracy – a comprehensive manual covering all topics relevant to sociocracy in organizations.

How can we accelerate succession in human permaculture systems beyond pioneer species to more collaborative, connected communities?
John Schinnerer

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A collective permaculture mandate with sociocracy (Henny Freitas)
The Permacultural Collective Mandate of Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brazil, was born with transparency, equivalence, efficiency, and a dynamic structure, capable of seeking unity within diversity. As a movement that seeks to keep people’s culture alive through caring for the Earth, caring for each other, and sharing knowledge and resources (human, natural and financial) fairly,…
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Henny Freitas and Rakesh Rootsman Rak present how permaculture and sociocracy interlink.
Sociocracy & Permaculture: Grow Engagement with Systems Design: Andreas Jonsson
Andreas Jonsson presents how permaculture and sociocracy interlink and how the Folkhighschool in Holma blends both.
Integrating Sociocracy into a Political Mandate
Presentation by Henny Freitas. The Permacultural Collective Mandate of Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Brazil, was born with transparency, equivalence, efficiency and a dynamic structure to look for unity within diversity. As a movement which seeks to keep the culture of the people alive through caring for the Earth, caring for each other, and sharing knowledge…