? This presentation will be in English, ? and it will be live interpreted to Spanish and Portuguese.
What is the connecting thread between the sociocratic circle-organization method (SCM) and psychological safety? What about the connecting thread between an individual’s well-being and a healthy organization? Let’s unravel the threads and weave together a one-of-a-kind tapestry, with no judgment.

Two basic values colour my life and my work: service and connection. Hence my passion to build human bridges within and between organisations. My quest to create a life balance involves juggling, in a positive way, family/work/volunteer projects. Family: one husband, 4 children, 5 grand-children. Work: Co-founder and CEO of The Sociocracy Consulting Group and owner of Pense Transformation Consulting. Volunteerism: SoFra (the French-speaking circle within SoFA) and Pflag Canada.
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