Sociocracy enhancing psychological safety on a team

A presentation by Francine Proulx-Kenzle


Think of psychological safety as creating a safe space, a safe bubble, where a team member feels confident that no one on the team will embarrass or punish anyone else for admitting a mistake, asking a question or offering a new idea. Psychological safety helps individuals feel safe enough to broaden their minds and explore new ways of looking at the world at their own pace and style. Fostered by the Sociocratic Circle Method, this feeling of safety shows up in positive mental health and well-being for each team member.[echo-content-down-arrow id=”temp-id” class=”temp-class” size=”50″ type=”epda-icon-arrow-soft” animation_type=”bounce-effect-1″ color=”1776C0″ duration_time=”20000″ bouncing_speed=”3000″ move_to=”” scrolling=”true” disable_bouncing=”false” disable_duration=”false” ]
