Harris Kaloudis

Photo of Harris

Harris thinks you can learn as much about a person from their failures as their successes. Particularly so when their successes are very rare. In the past 20 years, Harris has demonstrably failed in the most convincing manner to create a better world as he originally set out to do when he first blu-tacked a poster of Che Guevara in his student room. He has been consistently disappointed by formal education but at least he took his own back by dropping out of a PhD scholarship just at the point when he was meant to be finishing. His lack of academic ambition recommended him to deeply insecure professors who dreaded being surpassed by their brilliant students and he found himself working as a university researcher. Before that he had found some ephemeral satisfaction in public service but soon the financial crisis came and thankfully the bad public service was duly sacrificed to the altar of saving the nice banks. Harris studied psychology and sociology and consequently he cannot be relied on to do anything practical around the house other than cook vegetarian meals. He would have preferred to have studied about being a good person, enjoying life and respecting and caring for others. He realised that this kind of education you have to get for yourself in institutions that actually have values beyond the number of zeros in their cash reserves. Which is how he found sociocracy. Harris thinks he is loved by his partner and friends but suspects they only stay close because he does the cooking. Please get in touch on Medium and Twitter: @Harri_Kaloudis โ€“ but not if you are looking for someone to do the cooking


Location: , UK
Circles: Supporting Member
Price Range: $-$


Email: harris@sociocracyforall.org



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