Katia has been experiencing community life for over 20 years. Her main profession is to guide people from all over the world to discover Damanhur and its philosophy through transformational learning and experiences. She also teaches Alchemy in the Damanhur Alchemy School.
One of her passions is “people” and the ability to comunicate internally with oneself and with others. Relationships, connections, collaboration among humans are one of the greatest challenge we need to face.
She discovered Sociocracy few years ago when she wanted to change her company organizational system. She syncronically met Pierre Houben, teaching and facilitating sociocratic methods in one Damanhurian community. She felt how much sociocracy is full of spiritual values, supporting the emergence of collective intelligence. She participated in few courses offered by Pierre in Italy and to Solt 16. She is collaborating now with Sociocracy Italy to prepare tools and courses to spread this smart organizing system to make a shift in our culture. She wants to become a Sociocracy facilitator and trainer.
Location: Vidracco, Italy
Price Range: $-$
Email: gouraloto@gmail.com
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