Language: Español
Hey there!
SoFA General Circle has changed its meeting cycle to adjust for new members, and the newsletter is synched with the GC meetings — that’s why you now get an extra bulletin!
December is one of the times where many of us look back. And what a crazy time it has been in the world! SoFA, by contrast, seemed even-keeled by comparison, and while there are struggles in workload, creating clarity and dancing the dance between old-world paradigm and new-world paradigm, it’s been a year to be proud of. Thanks to everyone who has put in time and thoughts to grow this movement.
Being in contact with new and old learners and practitioners of sociocracy, I am lucky enough to hear a lot of the appreciation people express. There are thousands of people out there who follow what we do, and people I’ve never heard of tell me things like, “I’ve been following SoFA for years, and we’re so grateful for what SoFA has done!”
Governance means something to people. It’s not abstract in people’s minds anymore. Governance is concrete and present in all of our interactions — allocation, resources, attention, clarity, all of those affect how we show up in the world, and how the world shows up for us. I’m grateful to be here, and I’m grateful to be here with all of you!

Upcoming member events
- WED, December 15 @ 19:30 – 20:30 UTC
Community of Practice: leaders of sociocratic circles — A community of practice for mutual support for leaders of sociocratic circles. Meets monthly. - MON, December 27 @ 10:00 – 11:00 EST
Community of Practice: Schools and Education — A community of practice for mutual support for school sociocratic practitioners. - TUE, December 28 @ 10:00 – 11:30 EST
Community of Practice: facilitators of sociocratic circles — A community of practice for mutual support for facilitators of sociocratic circles.
Sociocracy in Schools conference
January 15 — Spread the word!

The first Sociocracy in Schools Conference: Empowering Youth in Education is happening on January 15, 2022. Hear from alumni, school leaders, consultants, and advocates sharing real-life examples of sociocracy in schools and with youth of all ages.
Volunteers needed
Would you like to help out with the Jan. 15 online conference? Please take a moment to complete the volunteer application form.
Circle reports
General Circle
- Talked about the proposed conflict of interest policy
- There are a lot of documentations being written – GC is thinking about how to make sure everyone can access and maintain them, and which circle is in charge
Content Circle
- Training Circle put out Academy Level 2
- Fundraising Circle has reached more than 25% of its goal already!
- Regular Academy is going well and 2022 cohort is coming together
Ecosystem Circle
- Education: Hope Wilder’s book “Let’s decide together” launched!
- School conference January 15!
Membership Circle
- Working on membership development.
International Circle
- German circle is having a translation party Jan 6 – German speakers can join the party.
Tell us about sociocracy in nonprofits
The newly re-formed NGO & Nonprofit Sector Development Circle is looking for articles about Sociocracy in the nonprofit sector. Do you want to write an article? Do you have an organization that might be interesting to interview? Let us know! We would be happy to help get your article published on the SoFA website!
Latest blog post
The Difference Between Whole-Group Consensus and Dynamic Governance/Sociocracy by Ted Rau.
“A recurring question in our teaching is to describe the difference between consensus and consent, and between whole-group consensus and Dynamic Governance (sociocracy) used in a community or a cooperative….”

Additional notices from role holders or circles are welcome. Upcoming due dates: Dec 21 | Jan 4 | Jan 18 — all Tuesdays. Your feedback about SoMBu is welcome, too!
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