SoMBu 2022 Week 51

Language: Espaรฑol

Broadcast on December 24, 2022

logo Sofa with name long scaled - - Sociocracy For All

This is the last SomBu of 2022!

We just did a round of celebrations in the General Circle meeting, and here in this word cloud are some of the phrases that came up.

Basel conference

Next year, financial stability in the context of growth will remain a big topic โ€” if youโ€™re sitting on good ideas of how SoFA could increase revenue and increase its impact to bring more sociocracy into the world, youโ€™re welcome to add them to our sheet of budget ideas!

Iโ€™m so proud of what weโ€™ve built together!

For this break over the various holidays, Iโ€™ll be spending time with my kids and refueling. Whatever your plans, I hope everything will work out in your favor.

Ted handsign

In this broadcast:

  • Peer-to-Peer Fundraising
  • Articles
  • Circle reports
  • Member events
  • SoMBu feedback
pine needles - - Sociocracy For All

Peer Fundraising Messages

We’re raising money to support Sociocracy For All, and members are the best possible ambassadors of our fundraising efforts. Why? Because people donate to support people. Because you see first-hand how fundraising is a key part of making the “For All” part of “Sociocracy for All’s” name true. Because you know the joy of giving time, energy, and/or resources to Sociocracy for All and therefore understand that when you’re asking people to donate, you’re giving them an opportunity to experience joy as well.

So, please spread the word! People who spread the word and/or donate this week will receive a new booklet that prepares leaders, facilitators, secretaries, and delegates for their roles. You can share it with them when they get selected and help things run smoothly!

Start with our Peer Fundraising Messages and go from there.


Membership Survey Results

At the beginning of the year, the former membership development circle sent a survey to identify the main concerns of SoFA members. Here are the main topics that you would like to see improved and the steps we are taking to move forward:

Money โ€” The number one concern was money. How we keep healthy finances and how we keep a fair payment to our paid staff were the two main questions.

Focusing on budget was very important throughout the year. We set fiscal circles for each department that had to review and approve their budget alongside a clear narrative. General Circle is also discussing a new strategy to increase our income-producing activities, and we also have the new Financial Wellbeing circle.

Regarding our paid staff, General Circle also created a Pay for work helping circle where a new policy is being developed.

Leadership and succession โ€” For a long time, department circles leadership were held by Ted and Jerry. This last year other SoFA members stepped into leadership roles, and we see new faces in leadership in sub-circles as well. You can check out our Kumu to see all current roles.

Connection โ€” Many SoFA members have expressed their desire to create more connections with other members. Currently, the Membership Department is going through a reorganization of its aims and domains to support members in creating more connections; the Continuing Education circle is also promoting more social activities.

Access to information โ€” A common question from members was, where do I find all SoFA documentation? You can now find all SoFA policies in the forum. Membership Guides Circle has improved its onboarding process alongside IT circle to support members in finding all the information they need.

This is a very short summary; if you are curious and want to know more, don’t hesitate to reach out to or any circle leader. And expect a new survey soon!


New Year reset

Policy manual and circle minutes documents

Thursday 12-29 at 1730 UTC

We are approaching the change of the calendar year, which is when we generally create new minutes documents for our circles. Also, we are now encouraging circle secretaries to help maintain our policy manual. This event will be a co-working session where IT Circle and the Log Keeping Team representatives will be available to provide guidance on the systems we use for keeping records for our circles. We invite you to join us any circle secretaries who want to work together on their minutes’ documents and policy manual entries, as well as any other members who are curious to learn about these processes.


Circle reports

General Circle

The members of General Circle consented to approve SoFAโ€™s budget, but they will be keeping a close eye on a few variables through Q1, as they still have some anxiety about low donation results and uncertainty around Academy registration. The members had a rich conversation about what we can do to stabilize our financial health; see Tedโ€™s introduction above for more encouragement (and see the notes for details).

notes::general circle

Content Circle

In reflecting on the year, the Content Department is celebrating growth in trainings, a very smooth operation of the Academy, increased client work, and increased clarity within Outreach Circle. As for more recent news, this department has been having more dynamic conversations on the Forum using the โ€œwolโ€ tag (for Working Out Loud). And there are a lot of other things going on throughout the department:

  • The Otto Scharmer webinar was well attended.
  • Sadly, it looks like we may not meet our fundraising goals for this year. We encourage all members to invite people they know to support our work!
  • The Schools and Climate conferences are in progress for February and March, respectively.

notes::content circle

Ecosystem Circle

This year, this department has been working to provide affirmative answers to all of these questions: Are circle leaders getting support? Are delegates leaning into their roles? Are contacts with sectors growing? Are circles able to follow through on their domains of activity? And the members of this circle have been seeing good progress on all of these questions.

notes::ecosystem circle

Membership Circle

This department is celebrating its work this year around clarifying and streamlining the workflow around membership. The department did a lot of work around the membership framework and engaging more deeply with the leader and secretary circle roles.

notes::membership circle

International Circle

Celebrating this year, the linking members from International Circle noted how many new members and new language communities had joined the work of this department! The department is also working on restructuring to respond to this growth (and avoid an overwhelming department general circle).

notes::international circle


Member events 

  • TUE December 27 @ 11:00 – 12:30 EDT 
    Community of Practice: facilitators of sociocratic circles
    A community of practice for people holding the role of facilitator in their organizations. Meets monthly.
  • WED December 28 @ 15:00 – 17:00 UTC 
    Co-working: accountability, fun, and getting things done
  • THU December 29 @ 17:30 – 19:30 EST
    New Year Reset: policy manual and circle minutes documents
    We are approaching the change of the calendar year, which is when we generally create new minutes documents for our circles. Also, we are now encouraging circle secretaries to help maintain our policy manual. This event will be a co-working session where IT Circle and the Log Keeping Team representatives will be available to provide guidance on the systems we use for keeping records for our circles.
  • FRI December 30 @ 11:00 – 13:00 EDT Breaking Cycles Community of Practice
    A community of practice for members of sociocratic organizations that are interested in discussing harm reduction and unlearning & breaking cycles of the dominant oppressive culture within [โ€ฆ]

SoMBu logo

SoMBu feedback

We’d love to hear how SoMBu works for you and suggestions for improvement!

Additional notices from role holders or circles are welcome. Submissions are due on the day General Circle meets: January 3 and 17.


Andrew Grant, SoMBu broadcaster


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