SoMBu 2022 Week 07

Language: Espaรฑol

logo Sofa with name long scaled - - Sociocracy For All

I think itโ€™s important for all SoFA members to know that weโ€™re currently operating without having an approved budget. The reason for that is that the General Circle didnโ€™t approve the budget because it wasnโ€™t balanced โ€” weโ€™re expecting to be spending more than we are projecting to take in. The reasons for that are many โ€” among them is that our income projections might be understated while our projections of expenses might be overstated. Weโ€™re currently measuring and getting more data so we can make more realistic projections of both sides. It was a little bit of a โ€œwowโ€ moment, but no one is having bad dreams quite yet. We just really need to collectively hold our financial situation with care.ย 

In terms of news, thereโ€™s a slightly mixed blessing. The New York Times reported on a failed cohousing project that was running sociocratically. The bad news is that the article is about a failed project. The good news is that the New York Times decided to link to SoFA as the point of reference for sociocracy. It feels a bit like climbing up the mountain of visibility โ€” and noticing how windy it is up there!ย 

Beyond that, itโ€™s been wonderful to get to know the incoming Academy students (42 of them!). It looks like another year of growth!

Ted's handwritten signature

heart hand graphic

New SoFA members

David Moore profile pic
David Moore (US) โ€” Fundraising Circle

Upcoming member eventsย 

Circle reports

General Circle

  • Talked about budget and possibility for more income generation.
  • Gave feedback to Training Circle on ticket pricing and referral policy.

notes::general circle

Content Circle

  • Spent some good time doing circle care for its subcircles (Outreach, Training, Content Production, and Conference Circle next time).
  • Social media circle starting on TikTok.
  • Conference planning for April 27 conference.

notes::content circle

Ecosystem Circle

  • Great success in having sector circles define OKRs.
  • Sectors preparing to take over quarterly sector newsletters.
  • Preparing to get more organizational members signing on this spring/summer.

notes::ecosystem circle

Membership Circle

  • Finished Membership Framework, Benefits & Expectations.
  • John getting setup to take over as General Circle Logkeeper (which is delegated to support circle).

notes::membership circle

How to publish web content

Web Content Publishing has a new system for publishing website content. To publish anything, go to the Member Dashboard and select “Publish on the Web.” Questions? Get in touch with

SoFA in Cooperatives logo

Cooperatives Conference (6/23)

The Co-op Circle is calling for proposals for presentations at their second Sociocracy in Cooperatives Conference scheduled for June 23, 2022. Please spread the word!

Want to meet in person?ย 

Take the interest survey!

Membership Circle is planning an event for members this year and wants to hear input from members!ย 

SoMBu feedback:

Additional notices from role holders or circles are welcome. Submissions are due on the day when General Circle meets: Mar 1 | Mar 15 | Mar 29 โ€” all Tuesdays.

~Andy Grant, broadcaster

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