SoMBU 2022 Week 16

Language: Espaรฑol

logo Sofa with name long scaled - - Sociocracy For All

Hey there, 

I hope youโ€™re coming to the SoFA conference on April 27! Iโ€™d also love for you to share about it on social media or with friends. Give it 2 min, find a post and share it

Also, SoFA Outreach Circle decided to support the Future of Work 24 Hours conference โ€” thatโ€™s a different conference, on May 12 and 13. Itโ€™s basically a huge 24-hour open space event with conversations. Iโ€™d love for SoFA members to consider attending; theyโ€™re very aware of sociocracy and also talk about it in their social media presence. Participate, identify yourself as a SoFA member a chat away! You have so much to share! If we all, all ~200 members of SoFA, mention sociocracy to 2 more people, we can give a good boost the movement!

Be well!

Ted handsign

global sociocracy conference 2022 ticket product sociocracy for all - - Sociocracy For All

Circle reports

General Circle

  • Taking a first look at the membership survey results, we see member excitement and also the emergence of opportunities for connecting and supporting member growth alongside the general public.
  • A possibility for a substantial grant focused on co-ops prompted an important exploration around how to achieve balance with respect to the weight that grants bring with them.
  • Several key circlesโ€“including all of our department circlesโ€“are now experimental fiscal circles and as such will contribute their own budgets to forming the aggregate Q3 SoFA budget.

notes::general circle

Content Circle

  • As you might expect, there has beenโ€“and continues to beโ€“a flurry of activity as we work to prepare for this yearโ€™s Global Sociocracy Conference.
  • The circle is developing a plan for some substantial circle restructuring to better align with the customer journey: stay tuned!

notes::content circle

Ecosystem Circle

  • We have two new members: Maddie Greenwood from the Nonprofit Sector Circle and Mehmet Kuzu from the Co-op Sector Circle.
  • Sector newsletters have begun to flow!
  • The circle is exploring how we engage with sector organizations which are not currently (but could become!) sociocratic, and how to organize getting sociocratic organizations on the map.

notes::ecosystem circle

International Circle

  • The circle selected Mikel Alzate as their new delegate to General Circle.
  • SoTes, SoFra, and SoPra are all growing in their capacity and engagement!
  • This circle has consented to being a fiscal circle in principle, and is still learning how to live into that.
  • Book translations are moving forward in many languages, for example โ€œWho Decides Who Decidesโ€ is now translated into Spanish.

notes::international circle

Membership Circle

  • The helping circle decided to postpone the in-person gathering until next year.
  • The next essential nonprofit policyโ€“the document retention policyโ€“is coming into focus.
  • IT Circle established a plan to streamline access to recorded Zoom meetings and to more clearly manage the various computing services that we purchase.

notes::membership circle

SoMBu logo

SoMBu feedback:

Additional notices from role holders or circles are welcome. Submissions are due on the day when General Circle meets: May 03 | May 17 | May 31 โ€” all Tuesdays.


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