May your power be with you
SONEC (Sociocratic Neighbourhood Circles): the European future of the Neighbourhood Parliaments movement
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The Neighbourhood Parliaments movement is one of the world’s largest local participatory democracy movements, with hundreds of thousands of communities in southern India. In Europe, we have begun adapting the Neighbourhood Parliaments model into what we now call Sociocratic Neighbourhood Circles. Learn about the history, the model, current experiments, and have a chance to discuss this and ask questions relating to your own community.

Speakers include Joseph Rathinam, a Neighborocracy expert with thirty years experience of training others around the world and practicing in his own neighbourhood in southern India, and Nathaniel Whitestone, a certified Sociocracy expert with twenty five years experience in ethical business and sustainable community organising in North America and Europe. Other representatives of the nine SONEC partner organisations across Europe may participate as well.
The Annual Global Sociocracy Conference 2023 is organized sociocratically by SoFA members
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